Essay on trees
Essay on trees

Essay on trees 25 Models

Essay on trees is one of the very important articles, which shows the role of trees in sustaining human life. Therefore, it is one of the articles that is constantly asked every year by students, so that the student can identify its many benefits, and how trees participate in stabilizing the environment and maintaining its balance, in addition to providing us with oxygen.

All this will be presented to you in many forms that will cover all aspects that the student needs, consisting of short articles of 100 words, to long articles of 300 words.


Essay on trees

Trees are a major component of the environment, as they are a suitable environment for many living creatures.

Trees are of great importance in our lives, and the benefits of trees are very numerous: some of them are natural benefits that occur without human intervention, and other are economic and environmental benefits that humans have a role in their development.

Natural benefits of trees

One of the natural benefits of trees is that they use carbon dioxide during the photosynthesis process, while oxygen gas is emitted during this process, and thus the trees get rid of harmful carbon dioxide, and reduce its percentage in the air.

Trees also have a good effect on our mental and physical health. Often when we feel stressed or anxious, we go to open places with gardens and trees, because this helps us to reduce tension and relax and be able to think calmly without nervousness.

The availability of oxygen in the air in areas with trees provides our bodies and minds with an appropriate amount of oxygen, making all body organs work efficiently.

Economic benefits of trees

Obtaining wood is the most important economic benefit of trees, as wood is used in many industries, such as making furniture, ships, wooden buildings, paper, and others.

The leaves of some trees are used as a spice, so we find that we can benefit from all parts of the tree .

Environmental benefits of trees

Trees protect the soil and its cohesion, and thus, trees reduce the occurrence of landslides. And trees play a large role in the water cycle, as they absorb water from the soil and then part of that water evaporates through transpiration to form water vapor that rises and forms clouds, and then rain falls and so on.

Trees are also very important for many living organisms, as they are a suitable environment for many animals, reptiles, birds, insects and other microorganisms.

In addition to providing these organisms with housing and protection, they also provide them with food, and thus trees are very important to maintain the ecological balance.


At the end of an article on trees and their importance, we have shown the many benefits of trees, and one of these benefits is economic where some countries even depend on the export of wood as a source of national income, and some countries use wood for the manufacture of homes, especially in areas where earthquakes occur.

The furniture industry, ships and other industries that depend mainly on wood provide job opportunities for many people.



Importance of trees essay 300 words

Trees are of great importance in maintaining the ecological balance and providing a better life for all living creatures. Also, trees have a high economic value, so that some countries consider them a primary source of their national income.

The importance of trees to purify the air

Trees play an important role in purifying the air, as they reduce carbon dioxide and increase oxygen. This is done during the photosynthesis process, where the plant needs carbon dioxide to complete this vital process, which provides the plant with the food it needs.

It is beneficial for us that the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air is not higher than its normal rate, because the increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air leads to severe damage to our health, and may even lead to death.

Therefore, there is a great awareness of the importance of planting trees. In the planning of new cities, large areas are left to be gardens, and large numbers of trees are planted on roadsides and around the city as well.

The economic importance of trees

Trees are the main and only source of wood, and man has known the importance of wood and used it in many industries, until wood is included in most industries as an essential or complementary element.

Therefore, there is great care in planting trees in man-made artificial forests, which differ from natural forests where the quality of trees planted in them can be controlled, and thus the best types of trees can be planted, whose wood is of high quality.

Thus, the planting of trees has become not random, but rather is subject to scientific studies so that its economic benefit is as great as possible.

The importance of trees in decorating streets and squares

Undoubtedly, trees bring happiness to the soul and make us more comfortable. We are in dire need of green spaces and lush trees, especially in the current era in which we are exposed to many life pressures, high prices and lack of job opportunities.

It has become necessary to increase the green spaces and increase the number of trees in each of the cities and villages, because it works to increase the proportion of oxygen in the air automatically without any intervention from us, and this leads to the improvement of our physical health in general and improves our mood in particular, because all the organs of the body work efficiently when oxygen is available in the air we breathe.



Tree plantation paragraph

Due to the great importance of trees, governments have been interested in planting trees, so that planting trees was not limited to fields and remote places, but they were also interested in planting them inside cities.

That is why we see trees on both sides of the roads inside and outside the cities, and they planted trees in squares, gardens and parks.

The presence of trees and gardens has become evidence of the city’s sophistication and that life is healthy, so that when we want to buy a house or an apartment, we build it on the basis of the presence of green spaces and trees in this place or not.

Because trees purify the air and reduce the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, they also increase the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere, which makes our health better.



Importance of trees essay

The importance of trees for soil stabilization

There is no doubt that the benefits of trees are many, the most important of which is soil stabilization. Soil stabilization is very important for preserving the characteristics of the environment, and the lack of soil stabilization leads to landslides, during which parts of the soil fall and disappear into the ground. This may cause the disappearance of farms, roads, or entire cities, including homes, people, and so on.

Therefore, we find that there is great interest from all governments to plant trees in order to ensure the stability of the soil and not to collapse.

The trees work to stabilize the soil by branching their roots through the soil, where they branch into smaller and smaller roots until they become like  threads, and thus it is like a network that extends through the soil and this works on its cohesion and not the disintegration of soil particles, and thus the soil becomes coherent and suitable for cultivation or building on top of it.



Importance of trees paragraph

The importance of trees to purify the air

Trees play a major role in purifying the air. This is due to the fact that trees use carbon dioxide to complete the process of photosynthesis, during which the plant forms its food, and oxygen gas is released during this process, thus clarifying the importance of trees for the purity of the atmospheric air. It reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increases the percentage of oxygen gas. Therefore, each of us is keen to plant trees in his garden or in his field. Governments are also working to increase the proportion of green spaces by planting trees on both sides of roads and in squares, gardens and parks. Governments also preserve the natural areas where trees grow, such as natural forests, and try to protect these forests and the trees in them.




Importance of trees essay 150 words

The importance of trees to obtain timber

Trees are the only source of wood, and since wood is used in many industries, trees have a high economic value.

Many industries that depend on wood have been established, such as the furniture industry, which depends heavily on wood of various kinds.

This industry has appeared since ancient times and still found, despite the great development that occurred in it, the wood is the main element in this industry.

Wood is also used in the manufacture of doors and windows, and although there are other elements from which doors and windows are made, wood is still widely used for this purpose as well.

Wood is used in the manufacture of school and university chairs to a large extent. Also, some cities and villages use wood to build houses, especially those that are exposed to earthquakes, where the wooden building is less harmful to people if it is destroyed as a result of the earthquake, and the use of wood in building houses is much less expensive than other building materials.

There are many types of wood, and each type is suitable for a particular industry.



Value of trees paragraph

The economic value of the trees

Trees have a high economic value, which made some countries interested in exporting timber and benefiting from it as a source of national income.

These countries were not limited to their natural sources of wood from forests, but they planted large areas of trees, and these are considered artificial forests.

These forests provide a greater opportunity to choose the types of trees that are planted in these forests. Of course, trees are chosen whose wood is of international quality and whose price is high.

Several industries are also based on wood before exporting it in order to increase its economic value. This industry provides a large number of job opportunities, as it goes through many stages such as planting trees and taking care of them until their size becomes suitable, then cutting trees and transporting them to factories, which peel and cut them into boards of a certain thickness and length, then transport them to ports for export, every one of these stages requires many labors.




Trees our best friend essay

There is no doubt that trees are our best friend, due to their many benefits, in addition to that they do not harm the environment or humans, but are beneficial to all living creatures, so that we take shelter in their shade on very hot days.

Sitting in the shade of a tree at noon on summer days makes us realize that the tree is our best friend, and watching trees gives us comfort and happiness.

Personally, I like watching the trees every morning while going to my school. I take the bus and look out the window at the leafy trees on both sides of the road without getting bored. Watching the lush trees makes me happy and optimistic.

When I am sad or thinking of solving a problem, there is no better place to go than in the garden, where I sit next to a huge tree with my back against its trunk. At that time I feel relaxed and reassured and I can think deeply and solve all my problems.



Importance of planting trees essay

Since ancient times, man has known the importance of planting trees, and therefore he was keen on planting and caring for them. Its wood was used in the past for many purposes, such as lighting a fire to keep predators away or to cook food.

He also used it to build wooden houses that protect him and provide him with safety, and he also benefited from its shade during very hot summer days.

Despite the passage of millions of years, our use of wood still enjoys great importance in our lives, and it is becoming more and more important every day because it is a natural material.

After man knew plastic and expanded its industry and it entered into many industries, we knew the advantages of natural materials such as wood and that natural materials are environmentally friendly in addition to being harmless to human health. So that the demand for wood increased again, and the economic value of trees increased and became an important source of national income for some timber-producing countries.



Important of trees essay

Shipbuilding industry

There is no doubt that the shipbuilding industry is of great importance in our lives, as ships are one of the most important means of transportation, whether it is transporting passengers, transporting goods, giant oil tankers, warships, and others.

And when we realize that all these ships, despite the different functions they perform, and despite their different sizes and specifications, they all share one characteristic, which is that wood is an essential element in their manufacture.

From here we can realize the great importance of trees, as they are the only source for obtaining the wood needed to build ships of all kinds.

Therefore, trees had a high economic value, especially those used in the manufacture of ships, oil tankers, and others. Trees are important to life in all its civil and military aspects.



Importance of trees essay for class 3

Trees have many benefits, the most important of which is that trees bring happiness to the soul and make us more comfortable.

We go on vacation to gardens and parks to enjoy watching the lush trees and various plants, and feel  energetic without knowing why. But we must know that trees work to purify the air, increasing the proportion of oxygen gas in it and reducing the proportion of carbon dioxide that is harmful to health.

We are in dire need of green spaces and lush trees, especially in the current era, where we use technology to a large extent and depend on it.

So we stay at home for a long time, but there must be time dedicated to walking or exercising in open places with many trees and plants, in order to renew our physical and intellectual activity as well.



Corruption essay 100 words

One of the most important means to help eradicate corruption is to educate citizens through the various media.

There are many dramas that deal with the phenomenon of corruption, through which citizens can be made aware of the dangers of corruption and how to confront and eliminate it.

Also, publishing corruption cases so that citizens know the names of the corrupt and what penalties have been applied to them encourages citizens to stand up to corruption and report the corrupt to the police.

The role of citizens in fighting corruption is a major one, because corruption is always hidden because it is against the laws, and the corrupt can only be discovered by reporting them by the citizens.



Write a paragraph on importance of trees

Trees are the main and only source of timber. Man has known the importance of wood and used it in many industries, until wood became included in most industries as an essential or complementary element.

Therefore, there is great care in planting trees in man-made artificial forests, which differ from natural forests where the quality of trees planted in them can be controlled, and thus the best types of trees can be planted, whose wood is of high quality.

Thus, the planting of trees has become not random, but rather is subject to scientific studies so that its economic benefit is as great as possible.



Importance of trees essay 100 words

There is no doubt that there are many benefits  from planting trees, but there is a great benefit, which is the pharmaceutical industry. Where we extract most of the medicines from plants and trees.

Man knew the importance of trees in the pharmaceutical industry, so he worked to plant them in an organized scientific way, so that he gets the medicinal ingredients in an easy way and in large quantities as well.

The cultivation of medicinal plants has become of high economic value, and important pharmaceutical industries are built on them.

The cultivation of trees and other medicinal plants has also become a source of national income. China and India are among the countries most interested in the cultivation of medicinal plants and the extraction of primary medicinal ingredients from them, to the extent that it has become a weapon in the hands of these countries monopolizing it when necessary.



Trees our best Friend Essay in English

Trees are our loyal friend and work without getting tired or bored, as trees play an important role in purifying the air we breathe, reducing carbon dioxide and increasing oxygen.

This is done during the photosynthesis process, where the plant absorbs carbon dioxide from the air to complete this vital process, which provides the plant with the food it needs, while producing oxygen. Thus, the percentage of oxygen in the air increases and the percentage of carbon dioxide decreases.

It is beneficial for all living organisms that the proportion of oxygen in the air is suitable for them, and that the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air is not higher than its normal rate. Because the increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere leads to severe damage to our health, and may even lead to death.

Therefore, there is a great awareness of the importance of planting trees. In the planning of new cities, large areas are left to be gardens, and large numbers of trees are planted on roadsides and around the city as well.



Tree plantation essay

The cultivation of trees in cities and villages is very important due to its many benefits, as it is a source of timber and it purifies the air and increases the percentage of oxygen in it.

Some farmers use them as windbreaks, where trees are planted on the sides of fields to protect weak crops from strong winds. Because some plants are weak and can be easily torn off by the wind, and in order to grow, they must be protected by planting trees on the sides of the field in order to reduce the wind speed.

Trees also have a major role in stabilizing the soil and not collapsing. Trees are of great importance in decorating streets, squares and gardens, as trees add an aesthetic view to the place, which inspires happiness and reassurance in the soul. Therefore, we care about planting trees and taking care of them.



Paragraph on save trees

Due to the great importance of trees, governments have been interested in planting large numbers of them. But these trees must be taken care of on an ongoing basis so that they grow well, and be useful to us. Therefore, we preserve the trees and do not cut them down.

There are trees on both sides of the street in which I live, they make the street beautiful and distinct from other streets.

My neighbors and I take care of these trees and water them regularly. These trees bloom in the spring and have a wonderful view.

Then the fruits appear and ripen, they grow little by little until they are fully ripe. We take advantage of these fresh, delicious fruits. Trees decorate our street and give us delicious fruits too, so we take care of them and preserve them.



Importance of trees paragraph for class 7

Trees have many benefits, including natural benefits that improve the environment in which we live, and economic benefits that make us financially benefit from planting trees.

The natural benefit of trees is that trees produce oxygen during the photosynthesis process. This process takes place naturally, as the trees form their food, and during that time, oxygen gas is released.

Hence, trees have become one of the most important factors that make the environment more suitable for our lives and the lives of other living creatures, especially after there are large quantities of carbon dioxide in the air as a result of the burning of fuel used in cars, factories, or others.

Also, the economic value of trees is great, as they are the only source of wood, and we realize the importance of wood in our lives, as it is involved in very large industries. Therefore, attention must be paid to planting and preserving trees.



Importance of trees paragraph for class 3

Trees are of great importance in our lives, as they are a source of wood from which we make furniture. In my room there is a bed, a wardrobe and a desk, and all these things are made of wood, in addition to the door and window are also made of wood. I noticed that all the furniture in the house is made of wood, and that there are some cooking utensils that have a wooden handle, such as knives and cooking utensils. Trees are very important as they provide us with wood that is used in many industries, so we must preserve trees and plant more of them.



Tree plantation paragraph for class 8

Trees are the lungs for the universe. People have known the importance of trees in the current era more than ever, due to the increase in the proportion of air pollution with harmful carbon dioxide. As it is produced when different types of fuels are burned, such as coal or oil and its derivatives. Human consumption of fuel has increased, making the environment more polluted. Humans did not find a refuge that would save them from air pollution other than to preserve trees and expand the cultivation of new trees. This is the only solution to purify the air, as trees use carbon dioxide in the photosynthesis process while producing oxygen. This restores the balance of gases in the air, allowing us to live a better healthy life.



Importance of trees essay for class 4

Despite the many benefits of trees, I will mention an important benefit, which is that trees are used to decorate streets and gardens. I like to live in a house surrounded by trees, and I also like to have some trees in the garden of the house as well.

Trees decorate the place and make it beautiful. I feel happy when I sit in the shade of a tree, especially if the weather is hot. Trees have many benefits, including that they bring happiness to the soul.

I go to the public park on the weekends regularly, because this renews my physical and intellectual activity, and I also enjoy watching the beautiful landscapes.



Essay on importance of trees in 200 words

The importance of trees in maintaining ecological balance

Trees are an essential component of the environment, and they have a significant impact on all other elements.

Trees have many benefits, including that they maintain ecological balance, as trees are an environment for many organisms.

There are many types of birds, insects, reptiles and animals that live on trees, and when these trees are removed, these organisms lose their environment and thus become extinct, and this leads to an imbalance in the ecological balance.

Trees also have a significant impact on the weather in terms of temperature, humidity, amount of rain, wind speed, and others, and all of these factors affect the ecosystem and its balance. Because every kind of living organism needs a suitable temperature for it to live, grow and multiply, and if the appropriate environment is not available to it, it will die and become extinct.

Trees are also a source of food for many living organisms, as some of these organisms feed on the leaves of trees and others feed on their fruits, and bees suck nectar from their flowers and some animals feed on their bark.

Thus, we find that the importance of trees is great for many living creatures, as they provide them with the appropriate environment for living, housing, food and protection as well, as some birds and reptiles take trees as a hideout for them to hide from predators.




Importance of trees paragraph for class 10

Due to the great importance of trees, there has been great interest in preserving trees in addition to increasing the areas planted with trees. The planting of trees is no longer carried out in a random manner, but rather the planting of trees is carried out according to scientific studies so that there are high economic benefits from planting trees.

The types of trees and their economic value are determined, in addition to analyzing the soil and knowing the type of trees suitable for it. As well as determining the industries that will be built on this type of trees, because the manufacture of trees leads to the addition of greater economic value. Many countries depend on developing their economy by paying attention to plant wealth, of which trees are one of its types. Among the important industries that depend on trees are the furniture industry and the pharmaceutical industry, which are very strategic and important industries.



Article on tree plantation in 150 words

Due to the great economic value of trees, some countries have taken an interest in planting them in an intensive way.

The type of trees is chosen according to their economic value. There are types dedicated to wood and other types that are used in the pharmaceutical and other industries. Accordingly, the type of trees that will be planted is chosen so that the benefit from them is as great as possible.

It is taken into account when planting these artificial forests that there are suitable means of transportation for transporting wood and other products.

Factories are also being built near these forests so that we can provide the necessary manpower for the industries that will be based on these trees.

One of the ways to increase the economic value of trees is to manufacture them and turn them into products and then export these products to other countries, and thus the benefit is doubled, in addition to providing many job opportunities for citizens.

All of this advances the countries that are interested in planting trees in a scientific way, then manufactures them and converts them into products, which are sold in the local and international markets as well. Among these industries are the manufacture of furniture, paper, medicine and other important industries.



Tree plantation paragraph for class 9

The cultivation of trees is receiving great attention in the current era, due to its importance to the environment, in addition to its high economic value. In the current era, environmental pollution, especially air pollution, has increased. Therefore, most countries tend to increase the cultivated areas of plants, especially trees, as trees are perennial, which means that they live longer, as there are trees that live hundreds of years. Trees also have a high economic value, especially if they are types that produce distinctive types of wood, such as cedar or beech, which are used in the manufacture of high-end furniture. There are also types of trees that are used in the pharmaceutical industry and are of very high economic value.Therefore, trees are planted according to the economic feasibility study. Several industries also depend on wood, and often these industries need many laborers, which provides job opportunities for many people and reduces the unemployment rate among young people.


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