Star celebrity
Star celebrity

Star celebrity

Star celebrity is a topic where we will talk about one of the most popular celebrities in the world, the famous footballer Lionel Messi, who has won the world’s admiration for his skill in playing,  he has won numerous awards and been named the best footballer in the world five times.All that information we will know here in a topic about star celebrity.

Star celebrity

There are many young people whose numbers are estimated by hundreds of millions who love football and take from the players a model to follow in success and ambition. Today we will talk about a famous footballer, Lionel Messi. All of this will be found here in star celebrity topic.

Lionel Messi

Football attracts world attention, With an estimated 1.3 billion people,  And occupies an important position among young people in particular. 

And you find fans come from everywhere and look eagerly on the television screens to follow a game,  Where the number of viewers of television in 2010 reached to 26 billion.It is also a game practiced by many everywhere, in squares, playgrounds, streets and parks.

Some players have a distinctive skill in football, which makes coaches and important teams pay attention to them, achieving professional wins and titles. Here I will talk about one of the most famous soccer players in the world:Lionel Messi;

Messi was born in 1987 in Argentina, his father worked in the factories, and his mother worked as a cleaner. Messi began playing football at the age of five with a local club, and then joined a more important team until doctors discovered that he suffers from a lack of bone hormones.

His father contacted his family in Spain, There, the Barcelona team contacted with his family and they welcome to see  Messi’s talent. When they met him, they admired his skills and ensured his treatment.

Messi contributed to making Barcelona a strong and competitive team. At the start of the 2005-2006 ,he won League Cup,  The Spanish Super Cup,  And the Champions League Cup.

 He also played for Argentina in the 2009-2010 World Cup, scoring 47 goals that season. Players describe Messi    as fast-moving player, confident of his tactics, as the world football player Diego described him as having the spirit of a champion who bears responsibility.

In 2015, Messi won the title of the best footballer in the world for the fifth time, He also won the Golden Ball Award four times in a row, and the Golden Shoe Award in three seasons.

In this way we have given you a topic about star celebrity in English ,and you can read more topics through the following link:

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