Essay on brother
Essay on brother

Essay on brother

Essay on brother , the brother is of great importance in our lives, its from wisdom to know the importance of this relationship that chosen by God and put  between us and the link that connects brothers and brings them to be support  to each other in all stages of life.All this will be here in Essay on brother .

Essay on brother

The brother has a great importance in our lives.Only those who are deprived appreciate and know its value. It’s a relationship awarded by Allah, as we don’t chose having a brother. There is a strong link binds brothers and brings them together in their early youth and adulthood to support each other in all stages of life.

The brother is the play partner in childhood and the success partner during adulthood.

The brother does not hesitate to provide the sincere advice which enables you to the best or hesitate to support you in all situations, whatever the consequences of such support.

It is a relationship we have no choice in. It is a gift from Allah that we have to thank. Do you remember the days of your childhood and your fun with your brother and the participation of games and ideas and fights and arguments and then reconciliation and quickly forget everything

The childhood period contributes to strengthening the relationship between brothers to cope until they are mature enough to meet the challenges of the youth period in particular and life in general. We always go back to our brothers asking for guidance because we are sure they truly love us and that their advice will be honest and not misleading.

If, at any stage of our lives, we encounter difficulties, we find our brothers next to us giving us support and sacrificing their money and comfort.

Since the beginning of history, brotherhood has witnessed all kinds of relations, including positive and negative ones. We recall the negative relationships that had a great impact on history and life. For example, the Cain and Abel and the first murder in humanity because of envy and jealousy.

We also mention the story of Joseph’s brothers who conspired against him for the same reason. But these negative models are not the basic feature of the relationship between brothers. The natural relationship between natural brothers is always positive and in the interest of all.

We know many friends who are not blessed by brother who envy others who have brothers. They were raised on their own and had no partners to play and share the joys, sorrows and other experiences of life.

Everything you do with your brother and every adventure you have with him has a special taste. I remember our trips to explore new places in our youth and walk around new areas to find shops, streets and neighborhoods. I remember the first time we went to the cinema together and when we went together to encourage our team for the first time.

I also remember all fishing trips I went with my brother and other adventures. All had a special and unique character that was completely different comparing to doing the same things with my friends.

When you are with a brother, you are with someone you knows in the depths of your heart that he loves you from the depths. You feel safe and strong being around you.

Some may not pay attention to the brother importance to his life, but it is time to stop, and think carefully about the importance of his presence in our lives and to develop this sacred link and strengthen the relationship.

In this way we have provided you with an Essay on brother in English, and you can read more through the following section:

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