Australia essay
Australia essay

Australia essay 3 models

Australia essay in English where you find all the valuable information you are looking for about the continent of Australia where you can use that information in writing a topic or article or essay on Australia in English.All this will be found here in Australia essay 

Australia essay

There are many who are looking for information about Australia and want to know more about that continent as well as its countries. Here you will find a lot of information about the Australian continent in Australia essay.


Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, bordered to the north by the Timor Sea, the Sea of ​​Arbora and the Strait of Tours, And from the east the sea of ​​Coral and the sea of ​​Tasman,from South the Indian Ocean,  From the West Indian Ocean. It is a whole continent with Canberra as its capital, and all its states use the Australian dollar.

Agroup of people belonging to nearly 250 families  lived in Australia before being occupied by the Europeans in the late 18th century, nearly forty thousand years ago when discovered by the Dutch navigation in 1606.

 And then Britain took control of the eastern half in 1770, and in 1788 Britain was able to acquire the discovered parts from the continent fully and formally.

Australia participated in World War I in 1914 along with Britain against Germany, Austria, Hungary, Turkey. The Westminster statute in Britain formally ended most of the constitutional ties between Australia and the United States in 1931 and was adopted by Australia in 1942.

Australia has no official language but Australian English is the national and popular language of the country. Australian English is similar to English in grammar and spelling with some notable exceptions.

The State of Australia does not have an official religion, but the Constitution gives freedom to belong to any religion or religious group, and allows the establishment of religious groups freely.

Essay on australia

There is no doubt that Australia is one of the strong countries that has witnessed many annual crises, but it remains resilient and united in the face of many natural disasters, as it annually deals with many fires in the forests due to the high temperature and severe drought, which leads to the ignition of many areas in it continuously and repeatedly.

Last year, Australia witnessed the worst temperature, as it reached 49 degrees Celsius, which caused the ignition of many fires and led to the death of 24 people, and the burning of an area of ​​900,000 acres.

These recent fires were called destructive, as they affected thousands of homes and killed more than 480 million animals, either directly or indirectly, such as destroying the natural environment in which they live.

Despite these annual difficulties that Australia is going through, but it is resilient and produces mainly coal and has many other rich natural resources.



Essay about australia

Australia is one of the largest ocean countries on the continent. The name Australia derives from the expanse of the Pacific Ocean, which is a Latin word.

In the seventeenth century, Europeans reached the Australian coast, and this was the first time for Europeans to see Australia and land on it.

In 1901 the British colonized Australia, and the indigenous people of Asian descent lived on the island. They lived in the primitive clan system, and depended mainly on fishing, whether from the ocean or land.

Then comes a great and vast change from the colonists in the nineteenth century, to the establishment of animal farms, agriculture, and the textile industry, until the discovery of gold on Australian soil.

Because of the abundance of gold in the Australian land, many people went there to achieve wealth and achieve their dreams. Many people succeeded in this to become gold fever for everyone, and many flocked continuously and permanently.

Australia later turned largely from an island to a state of law and the capital of Canberra was formed, and the main parties in the country are the Liberal, Conservative and Labor Party.

Australia participated in World War I alongside Britain, and later joined the League of Nations in 1919. To later face many decisions and laws that shaped Australia that we see today.

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