Speech on Youth
Speech on Youth

Speech on Youth 3 Models

Speech on Youth, in this topic we will present 500 words about youth. The age of youth is characterized by vitality and initiation. But young people should take care of their education, as they study at the university level.

In a long presentation on youth,  In Speech on Youth, we will talk about the important things that young people should do at this important stage.

Youth is not just a stage of entertainment and a stage of relationships and love, but it is an important stage in a person’s life.

Speech on Youth

There is a misconception among a large number of youth that the stage of youth is the stage of love and departure.

In our speech on youth today, we will talk about what is happening, and why a large number of important years are wasted moving from one relationship to another. He wasted his time to go out and find entertainment.

But in fact, these people regret all the years they wasted switching between relationships or going out and playing.

What is the stage of youth?

It is the stage that follows adolescence, where a person goes through several stages in his life. The human stages begin in childhood and then adolescence.

And then the age of youth, which everyone knows as the age of physical strength and good looks. But there are some young people who waste this life in vain. In Speech on Youth, I will be speaking about:

What should young people do?

At this age, a person is at the peak of activity and health. So he can get up early and go to work. He can walk long distances without getting tired. He is able to work actively and enthusiastically for hours. That is why these young people must work because they are the hope of the nations.

What is the importance of  youth to their country?

Nations depend on young people only, because they are the group that has the physical and psychological ability to build the country and move it forward.

There is no other age that can be relied upon in the advancement of the country. Therefore, young people must understand the importance of their role in the advancement of their country.

What should youth do for their country?

In Speech on Youth, I will be speaking about: Youth must understand their importance to their country. They must leave trivialities and go out to build their homelands.

One of the most important things that they must maintain is their health, which we find many of them waste in drug abuse, extravagance in relationships and staying up late.

What is the impact of bad habits on youth?

Many habits and ideas have spread among youth that threaten their health and greatly affect the progress of their country. One of the most dangerous of these habits is cigarette smoking, which has spread widely.

After smoking cigarettes, drugs of various kinds spread, which turned the young man into an old man who was unable to go to the bathroom. In Speech on Youth, I will be speaking about:

These days, the games that young people are addicted to their electronic devices, which prevent the young person from going out and working, have spread. He plays for long hours without stopping. These games instill violence and make them nervous and depressed, which prevents them from working.

How do we save young people from themselves?

Unfortunately, most of the time the young man is an enemy to himself, seeking to destroy his future and his health with his own hands. Children in schools must be made aware of the dangers of smoking and the dangers of electronic games. We will not forget their awareness of the dangers of drugs of all kinds.

Good job opportunities must be provided to youth, as we encourage them to come out of the shell in which they put themselves. In order to get out of life and participate in building their homeland. In Speech on Youth, I will be speaking about:

Parents must be made aware of the dangers of drugs and electronic device addiction at a young age, through television or through social media, at home.

The correct way to invest in the youth stage?

The young man must understand that this stage is the most important stage in his life, in which he must learn a field of work that will benefit him in his life.

And he must develop himself in his field, so that he can compete in the labor market. This is to expand his awareness and develop his various skills that distinguish him from others. In Speech on Youth, I will be speaking about:

The young man must know that health is the treasure he owns, and he should not neglect it for any reason. But he should develop it with sports and healthy food.

He must stay away from the losers and the frustrated, and join the ranks of the successful optimists in life in order to make himself a respectable place in society.


At the end of the Speech on Youth, we got to know in this important topic about the lives of young people and how they spend their youth years in harmful matters that may destroy their future later.

We learned about the ways in which parents and students have been made aware of the dangers that they may face after learning to smoke or take drugs, as their minds and nerves are destroyed. It makes them unable to deal with people or go out to work. 

I hope you benefited from In Speech on Youth

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