Say on time management
Say on time management

Say on time management 3 Models

Say on time management is easy, time management and organization is an important thing in the life of every person, and there are many sayings about time management that urge us to organize our time, and take advantage of time.

Say on time management shows that time is the most important thing we have, and therefore we must use our time to benefit, and you must realize that organizing and managing time in a correct manner is the surest way to achieve great goals.

We will present several examples of sayings that show the importance of time and how to manage it to achieve success.

Say on time management

The common factor among successful people in their lives is time management, and there is a say on time management because success requires organizing time and making the most of it.

Actual experiences have proven that chaos and randomness never lead to success, but rather to failure. If a person realizes that his life is a limited period of time, and that he will live it only once, he will try to benefit every minute, and not waste his life for nothing.

Among the most famous sayings about time management are the following:

“Time is like a sword if you do not cut it, it will cut you”.

The meaning of this saying is that whoever does not use the time for what is beneficial, he will waste time and will not achieve any success or progress in his life. And so he will regret it too late.

“Time that passes you can’t take it back”

This saying warns us that what we waste of time, we will not be able to make up for it again. The time that has passed without benefiting from it has passed and we will not be able to get it back again, and we must focus on organizing what remains of our time instead of regretting what has passed.

“We only live once”

Age passes and we become just a memory, and age is measured by the days in which we have fun, so we must always look for our happiness, because the days of life pass quickly. You should enjoy your life as much as possible.

“Be happy, life passes quickly”

Age is measured by the days in which we have fun, we must always look for our happiness, because the days of life pass quickly. You should enjoy your life as much as possible. There is no objection to being successful and happy.

“Time is treasure, if you don’t realize it, it will vanish”

This saying indicates the value of time, and that it is very expensive like owning gold, and if we do not preserve our time, it will not wait for us .

“The universe is orderly, there is no place for chaos”

I liked this saying very much, as it is a saying that expresses the fact that the universe was created with a precise system, and therefore man must be organized and make more use of time.

“Wasting time is a slow suicide”

This saying is true, because wasting time is a crime that is not punishable by law, but it is a crime that a person commits against himself.

How to manage time properly

  • We should use somethin that reminds us of the time we spent doing something, such as watching YouTube, or doing any other activity.
  • Use apps that mark and remind us of our break time.
  • Preparing a daily report on the work you have done, identifying the shortcomings, and knowing the reasons for the shortcomings and wasting time.
  • Preparing a weekly report on the work you were able to do, knowing how satisfied you are with it, and what your plans are to improve the defect.
  • Encouraging teamwork, as this reduces effort and time.
  • When you realize your time is wasting, it will be easier to tackle the problem.
  • When you do something, you must specify the time at which you must start this work and the time at which you must finish this work.
  • Use technology to help you organize your time.
  • Follow-up and direction is the main factor in completing the work on time.



It is important to use our time correctly, and there is a say on time management that shows us the importance of time, and that time is the most valuable thing we have, and time management is the only way to succeed and excel, and that great goals need to organize time and make the best use of it.

And at the end of say on time management, I hope that you have benefited, and that you save your time.



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