Essay on teachers day
Essay on teachers day

Essay on teachers day 19 Models

Essay on teachers day, Writing an essay on Teacher’s Day is the least we can do for the teacher in order to express in this article our gratitude and thanks to the teacher. Teacher’s Day is a real opportunity to show respect and appreciation for the teacher.

The manifestations of the celebration of Teacher’s Day differ from one country to another, but all ideas share a great thanks to teachers, and recognition of their thanks to both students and society.

Therefore, we will present several models for writing a short essay or a paragraph on Teacher’s Day, or writing a long article or speech of thanks to be delivered in celebration of Teacher’s Day.

Essay on teachers day

Given the importance of the teacher and his great role in the education and upbringing of generations, the world has dedicated a day to celebrate the teacher. That day is October 5 of each year. Since 1994 AD, the world has celebrated Teacher’s Day on October 5 of each year.

More than 100 countries celebrate this day, noting that the date of the day that some countries celebrate may differ from that date. For example, Australia celebrates Teacher’s Day on the last Friday of October, while India celebrates Teacher’s Day on September 5.

Despite the different date of the teacher’s celebration day, everyone has the same goal, which is honoring the teacher and expressing thanks and gratitude to him, in addition to focusing on teachers’ issues and how to solve them.

The purpose of celebrating Teacher’s Day

The purpose of dedicating a World Teachers’ Day is divided into:

  • Appreciating teachers and thanking them for their great efforts in the progress of the country, through the education, guidance and counseling they provide to their students.
  • Providing the opportunity to shed light on the issues of teachers and education, with the aim of finding real solutions that make the teacher give his best to his community.
  • Social awareness of the role of the teacher, and his great favor in preparing the generations that will be the reason for the progress and prosperity of society.
  • Motivating teachers to make greater efforts in the education and upbringing of young people, by honoring outstanding teachers and showing their work in order to be role models for others.



History of World Teachers’ Day

In 1966, UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Educational and Cultural Organization) signed with the International Labor Organization a Recommendation on the status of teachers and teaching, standards concerning policy for the employment of teachers and education personnel, teacher training and continuing education for teachers.

In 1994, October 5 was set to be Teacher’s Day and to commemorate the recommendation signed by UNESCO with the International Labor Organization. But the date of Teacher’s Day may differ from one country to another, depending on the dates of study there.



The role of the teacher for both the student and society

There is no doubt that the teacher bears a great responsibility for the progress of his society, as he is primarily responsible for preparing  and educating young people, in addition to providing them with skills and experiences that help them in their lives in general.

The teacher has credit for all the successful people in the country. No matter how successful a person is and has a place in society, his teacher has merit in that, as he is the one who taught him the basics of life, facilitated the path of science for him, and helped him to learn.

The role of the teacher is great in all cases, but his role becomes more and more important in the crises experienced by the society, where the teacher at that time is a leader and a guide, who can direct his students to the right path to achieve the goals of the nation.

Undoubtedly, the influence of the teacher does not stop with his students only, because each student will transfer what he has learned of values ​​and cultural information to his family, thus spreading knowledge among people and reducing ignorance and backwardness.



How do we celebrate Teacher’s Day?

There is no doubt that the celebration of Teacher’s Day has many manifestations and differs from one country to another.

But they all aim to honor the teacher, and to show feelings of gratitude and appreciation for his continuous effort in teaching his students, providing them with skills and experiences, and raising them on good morals and patriotism.

In some countries, Teacher’s Day is an official holiday, and television programs are presented that deal with the virtue of the teacher and his great role in preparing future generations, in addition to hosting and honoring distinguished teachers, and shedding light on their work in order to be role models for others.




Among the manifestations of the celebration of Teacher’s Day are the following:

  • Organizing a party at the school or university, and the students organize the party program, provided that there are words of thanks to the teachers delivered by the students, such as poetry or phrases of praise and other expressions that express respect and appreciation for teachers and recognition of their great role in spreading science and culture in society.
  • The students were keen to present some gifts to their teachers. These gifts do not have to be expensive, but they should be gifts of gratitude and thanks.
  • We can mention the names of the teachers who stood by us in difficult times, and how they were credited with getting us through these problems. This is in recognition of their grace and that they love us as their children.
  • The various media should be interested in highlighting the role of the teacher in the education and upbringing of young people, and in contributing to the development and progress of society.
  • Teacher’s Day should be an opportunity to discuss the issues of teachers in terms of their salaries and employment, and any problems they face should be resolved so that they do their best to students and thus benefit the community as a whole.


At the end of an essay on Teacher’s Day, we should all realize the great role that the teacher plays in  educating students and imparting them with good values ​​and morals.

There is no doubt that the teacher has a great role in guiding students to everything that benefits them and the country.

The teacher is a leader who can change the behavior of his students for the better, and the teacher is a role model, and therefore teachers must be chosen with precision, because teachers are responsible for preparing successful generations of young people who can advance their country and work on its progress and advancement, and defend it with their lives against its enemies.



Paragraph on teachers day in English

In the first week of school (5 October), we held a party to honor the teachers in our school. We have prepared words that express our appreciation and respect for teachers.

The ceremony was attended by old students, who are now successful people working in different fields, including engineers, doctors and officers, who attended because they still remember the virtues of his teachers, and they came to the party to thank the teachers and tell them that the prestigious social positions they have reached are thanks to their teachers.

I wrote some verses of poetry expressing my love and respect for my teachers. The teachers were very happy listening to the words of thanks from their students. My colleagues presented a play that deals with the ways the teacher deals with the students.

We also gave some gifts to our teachers and wished them continued health and a happy long life.



Teachers day essay in English

The teacher has a great role in the progress of the country, and the dissemination of culture and good morals among the citizens.

Therefore, it was important to dedicate a day to celebrate the teacher, and to remind ourselves of his thanks to his students and to society as well.

There is no doubt that each of us is fully aware of the role of the teacher in his life. Since childhood, teachers make every effort to teach us to read and write, then modify our behavior and gain us a lot of knowledge and information.

Every teacher who taught me during my school years has added something useful to me, some of them taught me good behavior and some taught me how to think logically, and some of them made me know the importance of planning for my future.



Teachers day celebration essay

Teacher’s Day is a good opportunity for us to express our thanks and appreciation to our teachers, as they complement the role of our parents and cooperate with parents in raising and educating children and imbuing them with good habits and good morals.

So we will celebrate Teacher’s Day tomorrow. Tomorrow, our school will organize a ceremony to honor teachers and praise their great efforts in educating students and providing them with experiences that help them distinguish.

The party will be attended by the principal of the school and all the teachers in addition to the guests such as the director of the educational administration, some parents, and some old students.

At the ceremony, the students will give words of thanks and praise to the teachers, and we will present them with some gifts that express feelings of love and appreciation.



I am a good citizen essay

I consider myself a good citizen, because my family taught me from my childhood to preserve public property. When I used to go with my family to the public garden, my mother used to ask us not to pick roses and not climb trees, and to keep the garden clean by throwing garbage in the designated bin.

Then when I joined school, my mother asked me to keep my school clean, just as I keep my house clean. She also asked me to respect the school’s rules in terms of appointments, uniform, and dealing with other students, in addition to respecting teachers and all school staff.

My mother also asked me to work hard in my studies, and she told me that you study in order to benefit your country, and this goal you must remember throughout the years of your studies.

Indeed, I carried out my mother’s directives until I became a good citizen, and I am appreciated and respected by everyone.



Happy teachers day essay in english

Yesterday my school celebrated Teacher’s Day. We had a nice party. The party was attended by all the teachers, the principal of the school and some parents.

We presented many shows at the party, I said words of thanks and appreciation to our teachers, and some others presented a poem praising the teacher.

We also presented a humorous play, where some students imitated the role of teachers and others imitated the role of students, and we laughed a lot because the students imitated the teachers perfectly, they were wearing clothes similar to the teachers’ clothes and speaking in the same way they spoke, which made all the teachers laugh. We also gave them beautiful gifts that show our respect for them and thank them.

It was a beautiful day in which the teachers felt the respect and appreciation we had for them, and we felt that the teachers are our elder brothers or parents who care about our interests.



Teachers day essay 300 words

Teacher’s Day is a day that expresses the culture of acknowledging the gratitude of others. The teacher is considered to be the person who has the most preference over his students, as he treats them like his sons and is sympathetic to them, and is patient and bears hardships to teach them.

The teacher is responsible for preparing future generations, and is the effective tool for spreading awareness and guiding students to the path of success. The nation can only rise when it has loyal teachers who instill in their students love and belonging to the homeland.

Therefore, it was important to have a World Teacher’s Day, and on October 5 of each year, many countries celebrate Teacher’s Day, and the manifestations of Teacher’s Day differ from one country to another.

But everyone has one goal, which is to give thanks to the teacher. Teacher’s Day is a real opportunity to express feelings of appreciation and respect for the teacher, because this motivates him to continue giving. It also creates intimacy and affection between the teacher and his students, which makes education an enjoyable thing.

Teacher’s Day should also be a real opportunity to solve the problems teachers face in their work, and there should be greater cooperation between teachers and parents. Because both teachers and parents have one goal, which is for their children to be successful in their future lives.



Teachers day essay for class 10

The teacher is the one who prepares the men of the future, as he helps in spreading good values ​​and morals in society.

The role of the teacher does not stop at teaching his students only, but he is also responsible for evaluating their behavior, and for providing them with noble values ​​that make them good citizens who can advance their society.

Therefore, it was important to provide support to teachers in order to present their work in the best way. One of the forms of this support is dedicating the Teacher’s Day to be a reminder to the community of the teacher’s role and importance in preparing future generations.

On Teacher’s Day, students are keen to show their love and appreciation for their teachers, and this is by holding a party in which students give words of thanks to the teachers as well as presenting gifts to them.

The teacher’s day makes there is affection between the student and his teacher, and the fear that the student sometimes feels that his teacher will scold him or otherwise disappears.

On Teacher’s Day, feelings of love and respect prevail, and provide a greater opportunity for each to get to know each other more.

Thanking the teacher makes him happy, and he can continue his work seriously without getting bored. The work of a teacher is great, and he should be appreciated and respected by everyone.



Happy teachers day paragraph

Yesterday was October 5, Teacher’s Day, so our school held a party to honor teachers. It was a wonderful party, in which the students showed how much they love their teachers, and the party consisted of many items, such as acting, singing, giving thanks, and some sports. The students made a good effort to express their love and respect for their teachers, and indeed they were able to make their teachers happy. It was a beautiful day in which feelings of love and respect prevailed, and the students felt that the teachers were like their parents, they loved them and wished them a great future, and the teachers felt the love of their students for them. At the end of the ceremony, the students presented gifts to the teachers, wishing them good health and continued giving.




Teachers day composition

Every year on October 5, the world celebrates Teacher’s Day. On that day, more than 100 countries celebrate Teacher’s Day, and the purpose of the celebration is to give thanks and gratitude to teachers, for they are the makers of generations, and the makers of future men.

Giving thanks to a teacher is the least we can do for him. The teacher has a great favor for his students first and for society second, and therefore it was important to allocate a day for the teacher to thank him, support him and solve his problems.

Therefore, our school held a party to honor the teachers last week. It was a special day. The teachers sat listening to their students, discovering in them new talents such as poetry, recitation, acting, singing, and others.

It was a beautiful day, in which we expressed our respect and appreciation for our teachers, and we brought joy to the hearts of our teachers.



Teachers Day Essay in English 150 Words

My teachers have had a great credit for me, but I cannot forget the favor of my primary school teacher. Therefore, on Teacher’s Day, I went to my primary school to participate in the celebration of Teacher’s Day and to extend my thanks to my teacher, who helped me a lot in overcoming the difficulties that I faced in learning, and thanks to him I became superior.

I was very pleased when I saw my teacher, greeted him and thanked him, and delivered a speech in which I expressed my thanks and respect for my teacher, and that I will never forget his kindness to me, and that he is the reason for my success and superiority in my studies.

Teacher’s Day is an opportunity for students to express their love and appreciation for their teachers.



A day in the life of a teacher essay

Undoubtedly, the work of the teacher requires him to be aware of all the events that take place in society and in the world, because the students expect their teacher to answer all the questions that occur in their minds.

Therefore, the teacher’s day must be organized, so that he prepares the lesson that he will explain to the students, in addition to being informed of the latest local and international events.

Because there is always a dialogue between the student and the teacher, the teacher must be a guide and have a right opinion and guide the students to the right path.

The teacher must also be positive and aware of the general goals of the country and work to promote ideas that benefit the country.

Hence, it is clear that the teacher’s day should be divided into several sections. He must prepare scientific lessons, and he must know the latest local and social news, then he has the right to entertain himself by practicing his favorite hobby.



Online teachers day celebration essay

There is no doubt that online education has become very popular, which made us think about how to celebrate Teacher’s Day  online. Therefore, the celebration can be by writing a message to your teacher, expressing thanks and wishing him a happy day.

In addition, you can ask your teacher for his address, and send him a gift expressing your respect for him. Online shopping has become very prevalent, and the gift can be sent to him with ease, as there are companies specialized in delivering products to all parts of the world.

Therefore, we can celebrate Teacher’s Day online as well, as there are many social media through which we can express our feelings of love and appreciation for our teacher.



Write a essay on teachers day

It has been agreed that October 5 is Teacher’s Day, and indeed most countries celebrate teachers’ day on that day. Some countries even make that day an official holiday, and some countries celebrate Teacher’s Day on a date other than October 5.

But despite the difference in the date of Teacher’s Day from one country to another, the goal of celebrating Teacher’s Day is the same, which is to give thanks and gratitude to the teacher, in recognition of the teacher’s thanks and his influential role in building and progressing society.

And this day should be a day in which we work to bring happiness to the hearts of teachers, by solving the problems they face in their work and providing solutions that make them perform their work effortlessly.



Essay writing about teachers day

The teacher has a great advantage over his students, as he is the one who facilitates the path of knowledge for them, and makes education dear to their hearts, as he makes them gain social experiences that helped them in their lives in general.

Therefore, students should express their thanks to their teacher, and Teacher’s Day is the real opportunity to express these feelings.

On Teacher’s Day, students can show their respect and love for their teacher by having a party, giving gifts, giving words of gratitude to the teacher, and having a nice day with the teacher.

This is the least we must offer to the teacher, as he is like a father to us, who cares for our interests and guides us to the path of success, and adjusts our behavior if we make a mistake, and wishes us success in our lives.

The teacher is also very happy when he finds that his students have become successful people and work in important jobs.

The society must support the role of the teacher and there should be cooperation between the teacher and the family in the education and upbringing of children.



Essay on teachers day for class 5

I love my teacher very much, so I will give her a nice gift on Teacher’s Day. On October 5, my school will celebrate Teacher’s Day. We will have a party at the school. I will participate in the party. I have prepared a word in which I thank my teacher, and express my respect for her. She is a role model for me and I hope to be like her in the future.

I have often thought about what is the appropriate gift to give to my teacher, and I found that roses are the best gift that expresses my thanks and gratitude to her. I will write her thanks for a beautiful card, and present it with flowers.

My teacher has a great credit for me, as she taught me to read and write, encouraged me to practice my hobby, and gave me good habits in dealing with others.


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