Essay on my hobby reading books
Essay on my hobby reading books

Essay on my hobby reading books 2 Models

Essay on my hobby reading books is easy, this topic is asked a lot from students, so I will present several models such as a short essay on the hobby of reading, a paragraph on the importance of reading, and how to write essay on my hobby reading books easily.

It is important that you find the right subject here, and that is why I present to you several models that are suitable for the fifth and sixth grades, the first, second and third grades of middle school and high school.

Essay on my hobby reading books

My hobby is reading, it is a useful hobby, and I have been practicing it since my childhood, I can write essay on my hobby reading books easily thanks to my mother, as she taught me to read from a young age, and she bought me short stories.

Reading gave me the opportunity to learn about the history of my country, in addition to the fact that I got to know the culture of many peoples.

The importance of reading

Reading is of great importance in our lives, and I will mention some of the benefits of reading in the essay on my hobby reading books as follows:

  • Reading expands a person’s perception and makes him more understanding of what is going on around him.
  • Reading gives a person new ideas and concepts, making him deal with others easily.
  • You can acquire a lot of terms and vocabulary, which will help you master the language.
  • Reading makes you more able to describe things accurately.
  • By reading, you can change your wrong habits, and spread the right ones in your community.
  • Reading makes you more receptive to the ideas of others.

The role of reading in building and progressing society

Reading has a great role in building and progressing society, and I will mention that in the essay on my hobby reading books.

  • The progress that humans have reached is the result of reading and knowledge of previous sciences, and what scientists have reached in terms of laws, theories and concepts.
  • Human life is always evolving and progressing, due to the benefit from the sciences of previous civilizations, their way of life and the way they deal with difficulties.
  • It is important to acknowledge that the scientific progress that scientists have reached in this era is the result of the research and experiences of previous scientists.

Reading develops creativity

One of the most important benefits of reading is that it develops creativity and innovation in the reader, as reading gives a person new ideas and experiences from others as well.

And in the essay on my hobby reading books, I will show how reading has a great advantage in creativity and innovation, and that reading increases a person’s knowledge, and thus increases his self-confidence, and commands the respect of others.

Reading is food for the mind

The mind needs nourishment, and its nourishment is reading, because reading develops the mind and makes you more aware.

And in the essay on my hobby reading books, it becomes clear to you the importance of reading in building both the individual and society.

Reading makes the individual more accepting of others, and also gives him the ability to deal with different nationalities of people.

Also, reading increases a person’s self-confidence, and helps him in forming good social relationships, and reading increases a person’s culture, and he becomes tactful and speaks fluently without shame.


At the end of the essay on my hobby reading books, I presented you with several models, a short essay on the hobby of reading, and a paragraph on the importance of reading for the individual and society, and the preference of previous nations over us. And you must know that the humanities are cumulative sciences, and that each scientist adds to what the previous scholars have reached.

I hope you liked the essay on my hobby reading books.

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