Essay on importance of friends
Essay on importance of friends

Essay on importance of friends 2 Models

Essay on importance of friends is suitable for students at different educational levels. We present several short essay models on the importance of friends, a paragraph on friendship and the importance of friends, an essay on importance of friends in which we talk about a true friend, and how to choose friends, models of essay on friends and their importance in our lives, and what are the positive effects of having friends in our lives, you can choose the topic right for you.

essay on importance of friends

Undoubtedly, friendship is important for every person, so we will write an essay on importance of friends in which we describe true friendship, and its positive effects to reduce the feeling of loneliness.

True friendship promotes mental and physical health. And in the essay on importance of friends we will explain that a friend is a brother, who supports you in every way, is happy when you are happy, and is sad when you are sad.

Everyone needs someone to share his thoughts, joys and sorrows with.

The importance of friends

Everyone needs a friend to support him and stand by him in times of crisis. Loyal friends are the best companion you can count on. Friends are a treasure that we must preserve, and friendship has many benefits that we mention in the essay on importance of friends as follows:

  • Reducing the feeling of loneliness is one of the most important benefits that accrue to the individual as a result of having friends, as loneliness is a fatal feeling, as the lonely person who has no friends suffers depression, lack of interaction with people, neglect and other negative qualities.
  • Enhancing mental and physical health is one of the benefits of having friends in our lives. A person is a social being who needs people to share his feelings, advise him and spend his free time with him.
  • Gaining experiences is one of the most important benefits that accrue to the individual as a result of having friends who are loyal to him, because the exchange of experiences between friends is easily done.
  • One of the benefits of having friends in our lives is to enhance productivity, because they always encourage each other, and the success of one of them is a catalyst for the success of others.

Getting support from friends is one of the most important benefits, because friends are the best supporter of their friend in all cases, especially in times of crisis.

How to choose friends

It is important to choose your friends, and in the essay on importance of friends we will mention the most important criteria on which we should choose our friends, such as:

  • Choosing friends on the basis of morals, because a good friend is a brother to you that your mother did not give birth to, and you must also realize that a friend has a great influence in changing the behavior of his friend.
  • The relationship between friends must be a reciprocal relationship, based on benefit, and this is necessary so that no one is harmed because of friendship.
  • True friends are characterized by sincerity and loyalty, and this is a quality that friends must have.
  • Intellectual closeness between friends is important, in order to avoid many disputes and problems.
  • It prefers closeness at the social level between friends, as this makes the relationship between them stronger.

The positive effects of having friends in our lives

Having friends in our lives has positive effects on both the individual and society, and in the essay on importance of friends we will mention some of them:

  • Achieving the concept of cooperation, which makes the individual feel reassured.
  • Achieving psychological comfort and happiness for the individual, as a result of the interest of his friends in him.
  • The cohesion of society and the spread of love among its members.
  • Enhancing the positive values ​​of the individual, such as willpower and vigor, and looking forward to a better future.
  • Gaining new experiences, because each person has his own experiences and skills, and when exchanging these experiences between friends, each one of them will benefit.


At the end of the essay on the importance of friends, we show the benefits that accrue to the individual and society from the cooperation of friends and the spread of love among them.

We will present a short essay on the importance of friends, a paragraph on friendship, and the importance of choosing friends. We hope that you have benefited from the essay on importance of friends.

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