Describe a friend
Describe a friend

Describe a friend

Describe a friend, is an interesting topic and can be written in several different ways. There are the qualities that deal with the external appearance and can be used to express the qualities of your friend in English. There are also many English phrases to describe a friend in terms of the appearance, function or behavior with others.

Describe a friend

My close friend is a good girl, loves helping others, and she is superior in her studies. Therefore, she is loved by all her teachers and colleagues, She likes sports, especially swimming, so she goes to the club on a regularly and trains for two hours because she participates in local and international competitions, and want to achieve record numbers in the 100 meters.

On weekends we go together to the cinema or the theater, because we like to watch romantic films and funny plays.

My friend likes to eat healthy, she also likes to eat fish, vegetables, fruits,  I like this very much because I like to eat healthy too, so we go together to the same restaurant and eat sushi, shrimp, crab and other delicious seafood.

My friend loves to listen to music and follow new songs, and on holiday we go together to concerts and spend a good time listening to songs and participate in encouraging singers and cheering them.

My friend loves to travel a lot and she takes part in swimming competitions so she travels to many countries, so she learns a lot from the culture of the backward peoples. I love my friend because of her unique qualities , and I spend most of my free time with her.

In this way we have provided you with a topic to describe a friend in English ,and you can read more topics through the following link:

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