برجراف عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي
برجراف عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي

برجراف عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي

برجراف عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي يحتوي على كل ما يهمك معرفته من معلومات عامه عن برج ايفل وكل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا بكل وضوح في برجراف عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي.

برجراف عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي

برج ايفل يعتبر من اشهر الابراج في العالم وهو علامة مميزة لفرنسا عموما ولباريس خصوصا. وكل تلك المعلومات تجدها هنا في برجراف عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world. It is a steel tower with a height of three hundred and forty-two meters.

The Eiffel Tower was erected on the occasion of the international exhibition held in Paris in 1889. It was founded by Gustav Eiffel and his assistant.

It has been named as the 300 meter tower, and the Eiffel Tower has become the symbol of the French capital of Paris.

It is the most visited site in France and enjoys a very impressive beauty and enjoys a very high reputation among all the world’s tourist sites. Although there are many tourist sites in Paris, but the Eiffel Tower, the most important.

The Eiffel Tower is located in most Paris regions due to its high altitude. The Eiffel Tower is located in the European continent, specifically in France, in the capital Paris, in the north-west of Champ de Mars.

The tower was officially inaugurated on the 31st of March 1889, and its facade was initially exposed to corrosion. The tower did not achieve real success until after 1960.

The tower is open all year round for tourist attraction and receives millions of visitors from All over the world.

The tower was built in about a year and a half with the participation of 50 engineers. The design and construction work was carried out by the architect Stephen Sophistry, with about 300 workers.

It was added to the UNESCO World Heritage in 1991. It consists of 2.5 million nails and weighs about 10 tons , And the tower consists of 18,038 pieces of iron, and the height of three floors above the ground.

There are seven elevators, and it is painted with three different degrees of paint color, darker in the base, and the lighter colors in the center and above.

It is worth mentioning that the tower contains several restaurants and cafés, Many of the world’s most famous chefs serve in these restaurants.

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