School broadcast

School broadcast

School broadcast  includes all the sections of the school broadcast and how to organize these sections to be distinctive and has the admiration of everyone.All this ideas will be here in the topic of school broadcast. 

School broadcast

The school broadcast is the first information received by the student on his / her school day, so it should be write, useful, clear and preferably interesting.

 The first section

Introduction in English  with The Basmalah includes a greeting and a statement about the number of school broadcast sections as follows:

In the name of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful

Dear the head-master

My dear teachers

My dear  friends

Peace and blessing of Allah be upon you

we welcome you

and we are glad to present you our program

The second section:

  – : First

The Holy Quran

The best start is with The Holy Quran recited by student …….

The student must read in Arabic .

– :Second

The Holy Hadith

 with The Holy Hadith recited by  student……

Also in Arabic

The third section:

 – :Third

Today proverb

Today proverb recited by the student…….

A student read a sentence or proverbs in English, which has been prepared in advance according to the time allocated to this section, and we will give you a number of sentences in English to choose between them:

If you don’t succeed try , try and try again

It’s not what you do that you should regret ; it’s what you don’t do

It’s possible to be ambitions and determined without hurting other people

One man’s meat is another man’s poison

Man thinks and God arranges

Man composes and God disposes

The fourth section:

Did you know

Did you know recited by student…….

Did you know that the Biggest living organism is the blue whale

The muscles in your heart have
The strength to shoot your blood
10 meters in the air

Did you know
Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in our solar system

The fifth section:


today word

Today word recited by the student…..

The student presents a brief word on a general topic such as a computer :

The computer is one of the most important means of technology in this age.

There is no company or institution or house that does not have a computer.

All people in all ages are in need of using the computer in their daily lives.

No one does not use the computer.

The computer has made life easier for us in general.


Finally, thank you for listening

See you next week, and goodbye.

We have provided you with a school broadcast, and you can read more topics through the following links:

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