Internet good and bad
Internet good and bad

Internet good and bad 8 models

Internet good and bad is a topic about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet in English briefly, which enables you to benefit from the positives of the Internet as much as possible and get away from the many and multiple disadvantages. All of this information will be found here in a topic entitled Internet good and bad.

Internet good and bad

There is no doubt that the Internet is one of the most important means of technology that serves humanity, but like any invention has its advantages as its disadvantages and we should improve its use as much as possible. All of this will be found here in Internet good and bad.

The positive points of Internet

 Used extensively in the field of education and study, where there are countless books, encyclopedias and references.

Develop self-learning and reconnaissance skills.

Develop interaction skills and share data, information, experiences and opinions .

Teaching the art of buying, selling, producing and marketing  through e-commerce.

 Follow up on what is happening in the world in terms of cultural, artistic and sports.

Explore many areas of the world.

 Learn many foreign languages.

Develop skills and hobbies.

Meet new people.

 Identify different cultures and civilizations in the world.

Follow-up discoveries, and all that scientists have reached all over the world.

Play collective educational games, and intelligence games that develop a spirit of participation and competition.

Learn the skills of communication with different nationalities.

Get enough entertainment like watching a movie or listening to music.

The negative aspect of Internet

Access to sites and pages that violate morals.

Exposure to many fraud, fraud and threats.

Harassment and abuse of children through corrupt chat rooms.

Promoting the concepts of racism.

 Advocacy of ideas contradicts religion, morals and customs .

Call for suicide through some sites.

Infringement on the privacy of others, through hacker programs and hacking.

Addiction to the Internet and preoccupation with other important things.

 Spread rumors that harm people and businesses.

Use the slang and stay away from the traditional.

Violation of title, by copying movies and songs.

Computers are damaged by viruses that arrive via mail or websites and download files.

 Health damage to the eyes and back, resulting in long-term pain and problems.

Internet good and bad points

There is no doubt that the Internet has become a social partner for every person in the 21st century. There is no doubt that every day becomes more important than it was in previous years. Now we can see children in the third world using the Internet and present on social networking sites everywhere.

Despite the spread of the Internet all over the world, there are still aspects, good points and bad points for using the Internet, regardless of the different origins, religions and beliefs. And we can learn this stuff through these models.

The good points of the internet

1- Knowledge

The Internet contributes a lot to spreading knowledge and raising awareness in many living matters or previous projects and experiences that you can view from your place.

2- Communication

The Internet provides an amazing means of communication that distinguishes the 21st century from other centuries, as it has greatly facilitated communication, whether through written or voice conversations or free video calls.

Which helped many expatriates to communicate continuously and quickly and transfer news with ease. This made alienation a little easy for the expatriates, far from their families.

3- safety

The Internet can facilitate security and remote monitoring operations in the 21st century. It can be linked to many protection programs, whether for home, companies and offices,

It also helps in monitoring children through computer programs or mobile devices and knowing what their children are spending their time and what their interests are.

Bad points of the internet

1- pornographic content

Pornographic content represents a great danger to both children and adults, as it affects many of their instincts and cultivates many extremist habits and ideas that do not help in building advanced and healthy nations.

It changes behaviors and builds erotic characteristics from a young age within children, which can make them more changeable and tend to harassment and rape, in addition to early sexual weakness.

2- False dreams

Many people fall into the virtual world and live an illusion that they can achieve profits and victories without any effort. Many people fall into fraud and virtual illusion through the Internet, whether in purchases or investment. They often lose anyway.

3- Waste of time

It has been scientifically proven that using the Internet for long hours causes several problems, including depression, sleep disturbances, loss of sense of the surrounding world, poor concentration, and autism.

All of these symptoms can be observed in our daily surroundings, whether from our family members, friends and relatives.

There is always a person who does not leave the mobile from his hand and cannot speak two intelligible sentences with his family members and all his time on the Internet does not feel at what hour it is, whether in the morning or evening.

These were the good and bad points of the internet that are scientifically proven today.



Internet is good or bad topic

There is no doubt that the Internet is one of the inventions that has greatly affected the whole world. And as time passes, we witness tremendous developments and successes. It is always in constant development, because it is a fertile ground, on which millions of ideas that serve humanity can still be established. It can be benefited from, either financially or educationally.

Nevertheless, the most important question remains, is the Internet good or bad?. I can say about this that ignorance and lack of education are not commensurate with the Internet, and whenever a person is weak in education and does not desire expansion and education, his use will certainly be bad, because he is not looking for something useful, all he wants from the Internet is to occupy his free time with it and waste time. Because of this, things that are not good can be addressed.

As for the educated person who is looking for knowledge and gaining experiences, he can find a very large knowledge, available in all the languages ​​of the world, of historical figures or hardworking people, through which he can learn and develop himself and look at the experiences of others and where they stopped, and where he will start in completing their unfinished business.

Such things can be good on the Internet and replace the library, or museums, where everything is online and easy to access. Therefore, I see that each person has a use according to his vision and education, and what he wants from the Internet.



Internet good or bad essay

The Internet is the fastest and least expensive means of communication in the 21st century. In addition to its use in research and knowledge, and quick access to a lot of information and news.

It has also become a profession that many people rely on. And there are many who want to reach fame and make a huge profit through it. But it remains like many inventions useful to mankind, but it has some defects that may harm many.

The good side of the internet

Everyone, whether students or otherwise, can search for any information, learn and benefit from it from specialized personalities and have experience in this specialty, who put their experience on websites or YouTube channels. Where women can learn a lot of simple professions that help them in managing the house, such as new and tried recipes. Or learn some ways to facilitate their daily life at home.

Men can also learn other things, and women also, help them in work, or gain them industrial skills that help them earn money through them. Or marketing and other new advanced jobs that appear on the Internet and are in great demand.

The bad side of the internet

1- The lack of supervision and ideas can be planted and attract many to learn wrong ideas and bad habits and traditions.

2- The greed for quick profit and doing immoral things in exchange for money.

3- Wasting time and addictive games for long hours.

4- The psychological impact because you can know how others live and see them in places and situations that you dream of, without knowing how their real lives are.

Thus, we see that there are many aspects of the bad side of using the Internet, but we can limit them through education, supervision and proper guidance on how to use and the objectives thereof.



Is internet good or bad essay

There is no doubt that the Internet is one of the good things that we enjoy in the 21st century. But it depends on its use and hours of use.

The more a person is aware of what he is doing, what he is looking at, the hours of use and not living in his own virtual world on the Internet, it is a good use. It is useful in increasing his knowledge and gaining a lot of experience and information.

But if sitting is to waste time, sit for long hours, and escape from reality, then it is without any doubt bad, and we should not waste our time and our real life because of it.


Internet good or bad for students essay

The Internet can be good, as well as bad. Each person uses the Internet according to his personality and personal inclinations, in addition to his morals and upbringing.

If a person uses the Internet for learning and research, it is definitely a good use, and that is why the Internet was created.

But if the use is for entertainment and a waste of time, to the extent that it affects your personality and affects your mind and thinking, and makes you live in the virtual world, and move away from real life, then it is definitely bad.

Therefore, there must be supervision and guidance from the beginning, on the part of the parents, where there are restrictions and what is permitted, and what is not.

In addition to monitoring the hours of use, and what we are looking for, many young people are manipulated, and their behavior and personality change, because of what they are looking for.

Therefore, the use should be for a few hours, and we must know that the Internet is a good opportunity to see and learn, and that it can provide decent jobs through it, and that you do not have a manager on you, and that there is freedom in working hours and appointments.

Therefore, I believe that the more a person is aware of what he is doing, the more he can benefit from the Internet.



Internet good or bad speech

The Internet is one of the modern things created in the 21st century. Which many people have accepted, but despite the information, research, development and modern inventions that we can learn from, but it does not represent the great importance that makes us dispense with books and written research with reliable reference.

Because the Internet is one of its shortcomings, everyone can write and own a website on it, and put the certificate and experience he wants.

As for the old traditional methods, it was necessary to prove the research, your scientific reference, the certificate you possess, and other accurate information.

I also see that throughout all ages there have been great scholars, and there have been great doctors, and there have been thinkers, writers and other greats in all fields without the use of the Internet. Therefore, it is only a quick reference, and this reference may also be inaccurate and reliable.

But far from the scientific aspect, there may be many benefits, such as quick communication, follow-up, and seeing the news of friends and family.

There are also many ways to spend time without getting bored, whether by learning some new skills such as cooking, handicrafts, or by watching entertainment videos.

But this aspect also has some problems, whether in communicating with strangers, or following up on their ideas and beliefs, all of these things need to open your mind, and you need to learn right and wrong before.

In recent years, we have witnessed people working with great effort to change ideas and plant toxins in the minds of all societies. Indeed, they managed to attract a lot of young and old to them.

Therefore, it is good to use the Internet, but knowingly to take a risk first, and fully know what you are looking for and what you want. Determining enough time to sit and use it so as not to be addicted and live in the virtual world.


In this way, we have presented to you Internet good and bad topic, and you can read more topics through the following link:

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