Healthy eating for children
Healthy eating for children

Healthy eating for children

Healthy eating for children;here is a topic about healthy eating for children with all the important information that  every mother looking for to provide healthy eating for their children and here you will find types of healthy eating for children and the benefit of each type of it

 Healthy eating for children

 The human body needs many important nutrients to maintain its growth, to protect it from many diseases, and to increase its ability to perform various daily activities, as all these elements are obtained from healthy foods, non-fried and prepared healthy, and in this article we will talk about healthy eating for the child.

For a child’s healthy food, the child needs many nutrients to be fed such as:

 Calcium; Many children lose calcium as a result of ingestion of soda, soda, and sugars excessively, leading to absorption of calcium from the bones, thus osteoporosis, so the child needs 500 mg per day of calcium, it is possible to get from soybeans, orange juice, and full- cream milk.

 Iron; Iron deficiency in the children’s body leads to many problems of education and growth, where the child needs 7 mm daily of iron; it can be obtained from red meat, milk, cereals and eggs.

Zinc; Zinc contributes to memory strengthening and can be obtained from beef, beans, oysters, peas, nuts, poultry, milk, cocoa, and others.

Protein; The child’s body needs proteins to perform many functions of the body well, to grow properly, to help produce antibodies, and new tissues, which helps protect the body from many health problems, and usually its lack leads to  many health problems, Such as swelling of the feet, flatulence, liver enlargement, inflammation of the skin, loss of teeth and hair loss. It should be noted that it is possible to obtain protein from legumes, nuts, seeds, meat, fish, milk and its derivatives.

Fiber ;Fiber is characterized by its carbohydrate content in vegetable foods, such as vegetables, fruits, brown rice, nuts, and others. Its purpose is to reduce constipation and reduce food intake in the intestines.

Fat; The fat works to provide the body with the energy necessary to increase its ability to carry out daily activities. It is a source of energy. It also contributes to providing the body with many essential fatty acids. It is possible to obtain saturated fats from meat and dairy products such as full-cream milk, Be careful not to increase the amount of saturated fat in children’s meals, to prevent the increase of the proportion of harmful cholesterol in the body, which leads to obesity and disease in the long term.

So we have provided information about Healthy eating for children .To read more you can access the following link :

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