Health benefits of smiling
Health benefits of smiling

Health benefits of smiling

Health benefits of smiling, an English topic contains the information you are looking for about the importance of smile and its many benefits on mental and physical health as well as socially, all that information and more you will find here in the health benefits of smiling.

Health benefits of smiling

A smile is a language that does not need translation, as it is understood by all people from different countries and cultures, and it breaks the barrier and brings people closer together. And also for the smile many benefits we will know here in an English topic about the health benefits of smiling.

The smile

The smile is the life and human spirit, giving us activity and vitality and because of it people accept you. It is a way of expressing what is going on inside us, in a polite way. It also gives beauty to the face and stability and internally peace.

The smile is the only language that does not need a translation and does not need to be explained, it only is embodying the key to crossing the hearts of people.

 Laughing and smiling are a gift from God to human nature, to revitalize and relax the organs, as well as an automatic mechanism for the massage of many members.

The smile carries powerful information that can affect the subconscious of man.  They found that each person has his own smile in which no one is involved,and that each smile has different effects also.

And when they filmed these smiles and display it slowly they found specific movements of the face accompanied by a smile, and that every person may has more than a smile, according to the psychological situation and according to the people with him.

The smile is beyond the material tender

 The smile exceeds the material tender for several reasons, including:

 Through the smile you can enter the pleasure others`hearts, this is a kind of tender, but it may be the most important.  Because studies have shown that the human need for pleasure and joy may be sometimes more important than  his need for food and drink. And that pleasure addresses many diseases, especially heart disorders.

Through a smile you can easily communicate information to others, because words with a smile have a greater impact on the brain.  Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines have shown that the effect of the phrase is very different if it is with a smile. 

With a nice smile you can keep away the tense atmosphere that hangs over a position, and this is what money can not do, and here we find that the smile is more important than money.

Smile and healing: Many doctors noticed the impact of smile in healing, thus some researchers began to declare that a doctor’s smile is part of the treatment. So when you smile to your friend or wife or neighbor, you give him a free recipe for healing without feeling, and this is a kind of tender.

The benefits of a smile

Strengthens psychological, nervous and physical health.

Helps to reduce blood pressure.

Activates blood circulation.

Increase the immunity of the body against diseases and stress.  

Have positive effects on the function of heart, body and brain.

Makes the person enjoys a sound and balanced pulse.

Leak calm and tranquility into the inner self.

Increase face beauty and splendor.

Smile is a form of preventive treatment for diseases of the times.

Safety valve of anxiety and suppression.

Treatment for many cases of headaches.

Reduces insomnia and depression.

Helps the brain to maintain enough oxygen to remove nervous tension.

The repetition of the smile relaxes the person and makes him more stable.

We have  provided you with an English topic about the health benefits of smiling, and you can read more topics through the following link:

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