Essay on decision making
Essay on decision making

Essay on decision making 11 Models

Essay on decision making, Decision making is one of the most difficult skills that many people lack. We may find an adult but he is not able to make a decision on his own, and he must ask another person what he should do.

It is not wrong to consult someone older than us, or someone with experience, but it is wrong to go beyond just consulting to rely on others to make decisions.

Because of the importance of the essay on decision making in real life and because of its presence in the tests, we will present to you in the following a large number of ready-made models that deal with this topic in detail.

Essay on decision making

When I was a small child, my grandfather told me I had to rely on myself, but I didn’t understand what he meant.

With time, he told me that you must choose your clothes on a daily basis without interference from anyone.

I was choosing clothes that didn’t fit together, but he told me it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that you choose for yourself.

He told me that I would learn to choose with time, and that my choice was better than relying on others. Indeed, with time, I became choosing for myself and did not accept anyone choosing my clothes for me.

As I got older and older I discovered that what my grandfather did was a good and effective way to teach me self-reliance. It was a simple method, but it taught me a beautiful trait.

These days I rely on myself to make the most difficult decisions about choosing clothes. When I find two or several options in front of me, I look for the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and then in the end I choose the decision that offers me the most positives.



Short essay on decision making

Making or making decisions is one of the most important skills that earn a person great success in his life. But why is the decision so important? Because it is the number one insult to success, whether in personal life or at work.

But what is decision making? How do we know we made the right decision?. Decision is the decisive choice a person makes when two or more things are presented to him. An intellectually mature person is the one who makes good choices in all aspects of his life.

A person may learn how to make a decision at an early age, as the mother presents her child with several things in order to decide what suits him, and in this way he learns to rely on himself and choose what suits him without feeling fear and hesitation. And when he grows up, he will increase his self-confidence and be an independent person in his decisions.



Making choices in life essay

In order for a person to make a right decision, he must possess some characteristics in his personality, including self-confidence and many experiences that make him see the inside of things. This person must be based on reason and logic, not just emotion.

Thinking with the mind makes a person see the facts in front of him well. As for thinking with emotion, it makes a person look like a blind person who does not see defects. That is why it is preferable for a person to learn to think and use his mind before making fateful decisions.

The child must be trained from a young age to think with the mind and try to see the result of his decisions. When he decides to buy sweets for the week and eat them in one day, we must show him the result of his decision and that he is deprived for the rest of the week.

We must teach the child how to control his desires and that he is in control of himself. It is not right to follow his desires all the time.



The choice i make essay 300 words

One of the fateful decisions and choices that I made myself was joining the club in order to learn to swim.

I had 3 different sports to choose from.

At first the choice was difficult, but with time I decided to try all types for a month, and then choose the most enjoyable sport for me. In the end, I chose to swim because of my love for it and my superiority in training than the rest of my colleagues.

My mother told me that the decision had consequences, so I should think carefully before making my decision.

This is what happened to me when I decided to practice swimming as a consequence of my decision to go to training regularly and without delay. The consequence was that I went to training in the summer and winter, despite the cold weather.

She also told me that decision-making should be rational, not emotional. As for swimming, it is a sport that suits the nature of my body and I will excel in it and reach the world championships.

But the sport of football is dear to my heart, but I am not good at playing it professionally, so it was right to choose what suits me with my mind and not what I like and is not suitable for me.



Making decisions in life essay

Making a decision in your life may cost you the rest of your life, meaning that if you make a mistake in choosing, you will suffer for the rest of your life. And if you make no mistake, you will live in peace and happiness forever.

Therefore, do not make any decision unless you have sufficient experience and information necessary for you to make a better choice.

You must have a rational way of thinking that enables you to see the future in an approximate way to show you the results of your decision. A person who is hasty and unaware of the consequences of his decision ruins his future forever.

There are important decisions in a person’s life such as what kind of education he wants to attend or what kind of school he should go to.

There are other important decisions, such as the type of sport that he must practice in order to suit him and be able to professionalize it and reach local and international championships.



A difficult decision that you had to make narrative essay

One of the most difficult situations I faced in my life was deciding to travel abroad with my father. When my mother divorced my father, I had to decide with whom I would go to live.

The decision was very difficult because living with my father is better, because of his financial means that will provide me with a good living.

As for living with my mother, it will be more difficult because she is married to someone I do not like. So in the end, I decided to travel to live with my father, and at the same time call my mother on a daily basis. And when the holiday comes, I ask my father’s permission and travel to visit my mother and spend time with her.

When I go to my mom she feels happy and we begin to plan carefully all the places we are going to visit together. I discovered that I had made the right decision to live with my father so that I could attend a good school. When I go to my mother’s, I spend a short vacation with her and do not suffer from the harassment of her husband.



Important decisions in life essay

In the life of each of us there are several important decisions that have a significant impact on our lives after they are made. But what are the steps to make the right decision?

You must identify the options available to you and write them on a piece of paper so that you can look at them clearly. The pros and cons of each of the available options must be written. You should also write down the flaws.

Try to visualize yourself experiencing the flaws and decide whether you will be able to face them or whether they will be painful for you. In the end, try to imagine the consequences that will come to you after you choose your favorite thing.

And when you present this paper to your mind, it will show you the most suitable path for you, which will make you choose in a way that is more powerful and self-confident.

This is what wise people do when they make their decision. As for the ignorant, they are the ones who make decisions in a random manner and without any study or experience of the consequences of this decision.



The most difficult decision i had to make essay

If you are faced with a difficult choice in your life, it is not wise to make the decision in a moment of haste or without considering the consequences. Each of our choices has a number of consequences, which can be good or bad.

And you should turn to someone older than you and has a lot of experience in life to help you clarify vague matters, and in the end you must take your time to think until you choose the right one for you without any error rate.

In the event that you do not have enough experience or do not have someone to help you in making your decision, it is possible to list the pros and cons and look at each point of them and imagine yourself facing this point, and see if you will accept it or it will be impossible for you.



Essay on choices and consequences

It is well known that every decision has consequences, so you must know the consequences before you make a decision.

In order to reduce the negative consequences, you must research and ask several people about the matter, then collect their opinions and make a final decision.

Try to gather your courage and do not make any decision in the time of your anger or in times of weakness and defeat, because it is one of the worst decisions that will destroy your life later. Do not rush to make a decision, but wait until you have a complete picture in your head.

You must know that every decision has its positives and negatives, and therefore you must study the negatives and see if you will bear them or not.

The negatives are many and varied, including what may be fatal for some people. Therefore, you must determine for yourself the extent to which you can tolerate these negatives or not.



Essay about decisions in life

There are several tips you can learn before you make an important decision in your life. Including identifying your priorities that you can not do without them. Each of us has priorities that are different from other people.

If the most important thing for you is the financials, then you must look for opportunities that provide you with the means.

If traveling is your ambition, you should choose to travel abroad and make it a priority.But if seeking knowledge is your highest ambition, you will choose a decision that provides you with learning.

In this way, the path will be clear to you and you will be able to make decisions that you will not regret later. In order to determine your priorities, you must get to know yourself in the first place.

There are some people who do not know themselves and do not know what their priorities are, which causes them to make wrong decisions that may destroy their lives for the rest of their lives.




Essay on choices and consequences

It is well known that every decision has consequences, so you must know the consequences before you make a decision.

In order to reduce the negative consequences, you must research and ask several people about the matter, then collect their opinions and make a final decision.

Try to gather your courage and do not make any decision in the time of your anger or in times of weakness and defeat, because it is one of the worst decisions that will destroy your life later. Do not rush to make a decision, but wait until you have a complete picture in your head.

You must know that every decision has its positives and negatives, and therefore you must study the negatives and see if you will bear them or not.

The negatives are many and varied, including what may be fatal for some people. Therefore, you must determine for yourself the extent to which you can tolerate these negatives or not.




Essay about decisions in life

There are several tips you can learn before you make an important decision in your life. Including identifying your priorities that you can not do without them. Each of us has priorities that are different from other people.

If the most important thing for you is the financials, then you must look for opportunities that provide you with the means.

If traveling is your ambition, you should choose to travel abroad and make it a priority.But if seeking knowledge is your highest ambition, you will choose a decision that provides you with learning.

In this way, the path will be clear to you and you will be able to make decisions that you will not regret later. In order to determine your priorities, you must get to know yourself in the first place.

There are some people who do not know themselves and do not know what their priorities are, which causes them to make wrong decisions that may destroy their lives for the rest of their lives.


We have provided you with an Essay on decision making, and you can read more through the following link:

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