موضوع عن نيويورك بالانجليزي
موضوع عن نيويورك بالانجليزي

موضوع عن نيويورك بالانجليزي

موضوع عن نيويورك بالانجليزي يحتوي على العديد من المعلومات عن نيويورك تلك المدينة الصاخبة والمزدهرة التي تعتبر من اكثر المدن جذبا للسياح في العالم. كل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في موضوع عن نيويورك بالانجليزي.

موضوع عن نيويورك بالانجليزي

نيويورك من اكثر الدول تقدما في العالم فلها اهمية اقتصادية وسياحية كبيرة وهنا ستتعرف على كل المعلومات الهامة عن نيويورك في موضوع عن نيويورك بالانجليزي.

New York

New York City is divided into five provinces: Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, Cobbens and Brooklyn. New York is 88 square kilometers in size and has a population of about 1.5 million people.

New York City is located in the United States of America, on the east coast of the states and at the last estuary of the Hudson River.

New York is the sixth largest city in the world and the largest city in the United States and the most populated. New York was a colony by the Dutch and was called New Amsterdam.

New York Economy

 The importance of New York City stems from the presence of the United Nations Headquarters, which is the seat of world trade and the center of all kinds of economic activities.

It attracts the business people in large part due to the facilities provided and the services available. It is considered the third most important centers of culture and arts where there are many theaters and museums. It also has the largest shipping ports.

Tourism in New York

 Tourism is one of the most important industries in New York City, where more than 41 million domestic and foreign tourists visited the city every year over the last five years.

The city’s tourist destinations include the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty; Ellis Island; the Broadway Theater; museums such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art; green spaces such as Central Park, Washington Square Park, Rockefeller Center.

In addition to luxury shopping malls along Fifth Avenue and Madison. Other attractions include Halloween in Greenwich Village, Thanksgiving Presentations at the Macy’s Center, the Day Gallery in St. Patrick’s. Also seasonal activities such as ice skating at Central Park in Winter, Tribeca Film Festival, and free shows at Central Park in Smyrstij.

As well as the Bronx Zoo, Connie Island, and a new botanical garden in New York and elsewhere. In 2010, New York broke a record number of tourists, which reached 49 million tourists and in 2011 the number of tourists reached 50 million.

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