موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزير
موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزير

موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي

موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي به كل المعلومات الهامة والقيمة التي يبحث عنها اي شخص حتي يتمكن من كتابة مقال او بحث او موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي,فهنا ستجد كل ما تبحث عنه من معلومات يمكنك استخدامها بكل سهولة ويسر لكتابة موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي.

موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي

سور الصين العظيم هذا المعلم السياحي والتاريخي الرائع ,الذي يبحث الجميع عن معلومات عنه. هنا ستجد كل ما تبحث عنه من  معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم حتي تتمكن من كتابة ما تريد من مقال او بحث او موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي بكل سهلة ووضوح.

The Great Wall of China attracted a large segment of tourists, especially history and nature lovers, due to its ancient history with the ancient Chinese kingdoms that had a major role in its construction and its outstanding location amidst the beautiful nature of the mountains and valleys, which helped to incorporate the Great Wall into the Seven Wonders of the World and heritage sites in the world.

The Great Wall crosses the Republic of China along the north and north-west, starting from Chenhuangdao in the Yellow Sea Gulf to Gautai in Gansu in the west, and Beijing to Handen.

The construction of the Great Wall of China dates back nearly 2,000 years. It was built in the spring and autumn times and the era of the warring kingdoms of that period. The wall was built for a comprehensive defensive purpose of the kingdoms that were erected in that area.It was divided into nine Military walls, each headed by a military commander and a large number of soldiers, where the number of soldiers along the length of about one million soldiers, in addition to specialized restoration workers in each area of ​​the fence.

The Great Wall of China cuts a vast area of ​​2,400 km2. The wall is basically made up of a large group of solid stone and clay, with a width of 6 m in most of its regions. Its upper regions are less than 3.7 m wide, but the height varies from region to region, About 3 m at its lowest altitude and not more than 8 m at its maximum height.

The wall contains a large number of guard towers, one of which exists in every 200 meters of length, and helped the brick-clad walls in the eastern parts of the country to maintain the fence and prevent collapse, while disappeared many of it in the southern regions, The desert areas are made of stones and willows, while the part of the north-west areas consists of bricks and compressed dirt.

The Great Wall of China contains a number of military barracks, observation towers, enemy attack alert, secret corridors and a number of offensive facilities in the event of an external threat. It also contains rooms to store food and supplies for soldiers, a waterway to collect rainwater, In order to prevent any damage to its structure due to flooding with rainwater.

بهذا نكون قد انتهينا من تقديم موضوع عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي كبداية لسلسة مقالات عن سور الصين العظيم ويمكنك قراءة المزيد من المقالات من خلال القسم التالي :

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