موضوع عن الفيل بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الفيل بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الفيل بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الفيل بالانجليزي يحتوي على العديد من المعلومات عن الفيل,ذلك الحيوان الذي يعتبر من اضخم الكائنات على سطح الارض ولكنه يتميز بكونه مسالم جدا. سنتعرف هنا على انواع الفيل واهم المعلومات عنه من خلال موضوع عن الفيل بالانجليزي.

موضوع عن الفيل بالانجليزي

الكثير من الاشخاص يحبون حيوان الفيل سواء من الكبار او الاطفال ويريدون ان يتعرفوا على العديد من المعلومات عن حياة الفيل, وهذا ما سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال موضوع عن الفيل بالانجليزي.

The elephant

The elephant is a huge mammal, one of the largest wild animals on the face of the earth.  Despite his greatness, however, it is a gentle, calm and peaceful creature, expressing its feelings clearly. His sadness or joy can be seen; it has a center in  the brain charge of emotion as human.

The small elephant is born without teeth, and then grow gradually. It is strong and very intelligent, and his brain is estimated at five kilos.

Physical characteristics

The most formal qualities that distinguish the elephant from the rest of the animals is the presence of the snout, a long tube extends from above the mouth, and serves as the nose of an elephant.

He can carry things by removing the weeds from the ground and put it in his mouth.  He also has a great power that enables him to carry a tree trunk and walk through it.

It is also characteristic of the presence of ivory fangs,  it is a solid and strong. The elephant is characterized by two ears are very large, short and wide feet , and has four fingers in the front legs, and three in the back legs, and up to three and a half meters. The elephant weighs about six tons, and these figures can change depending on the type of elephant, age, and place of living. The average weight at birth is 100 kg.


The elephant spends about 16 hours of its day eating, It is mainly eats  green grasses, and spends long periods in search of food, walking in long distances. It  determines  food and water places by sniffing, and elephants do not sleep two or three hours a day.

Social life of elephants

Elephants live in groups of up to ten individuals with young elephants.  The group is headed by the oldest female, and remains the leader of the group to become weak and unable to play this role, or die;  and then the leadership is given to the next largest female.

 It is noted that there are relationships between different herds, Elephants communicate through the sound, where they can hear each other’s voices several kilometers away. When a member of the herd dies, the group covers it with dirt, showing signs of severe grief.

Types of elephants

 Elephants are divided into two basic types:

African Elephant: An elephant living in the African Sahara, the largest species on the face of the earth now, where the weights of adult elephants reach to five thousand and five hundred kilograms.

Indian elephant: A species that lives in South and East Asia, with an average weight of three thousand and six hundred kilograms.

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