موضوع انجليزي عن النفط
موضوع انجليزي عن النفط

موضوع انجليزي عن النفط

موضوع انجليزي عن النفط سوف نتعلم منه الكثير عن النفط و اهم مكوناته وكيفية استخراجة. وسنعرف ايضا اهميته بالنسبة للعالم كله في يومنا هذا. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في موضوع انجليزي عن النفط .

موضوع انجليزي عن النفط

تعتبر الدول المتقدمة من اكثر الدول استخداما واحتياجا للنفط, حيث اصبح النفط يستخدم في كافة الصناعات الحديثة تقريبا حيث يعتمد عليه اقتصاد دول كبري. كل ذلك سنعرفه هنا في موضوع انجليزي عن النفط .

The petroleum

The world has witnessed many dramatic developments that have swept the entire world in all areas and at all levels, such as economic, political, industrial and technological developments.

The reason for this is the discovery of oil, which has become the nerve of life,  everything in our lives has become closely linked to the existence of petroleum, be it in industries or the economy,  So that oil has become an important economic source in all countries of the world.

The countries that contain oil are the richest countries in our time, Oil has become a source that all political forces in this world dispute on it.

And all means of transportation are all dependent on oil derivatives, as well as the generation of electricity that can not be dispensed with, so it is called black gold. But questions are still going on about how this wonderful substance is made, and what its components are.

 The history and circumstances of the oil formation:

The oil is formed from millions of years ago, in ancient geological times, which witnessed a great growth of trees, marine plankton and aquatic plants, which at its death was quickly buried under the deep layers of the earth in an environment free of oxygen, so that it was subjected to tremendous pressure and heat, resulting in the loss of organic matter resulting from the landfill of these organisms to many of its components and concentration of the carbon element in them in a very large way.

With increasing pressure and heat on this material will turn into a liquid substance with sticky and dense textures,  but this process does not take place between day and night, but it takes millions of years.

Oil Components

Petroleum or oil resulting from the process of landfill of living organisms, is a substance or liquid viscous with dense textures, it is black tends to green, smells like the smell of rotten eggs, it is highly flammable.

 It consists mainly of a mixture of hydrocarbons, and contains mainly the following elements in the proportions shown:

Carbon: which is the highest percentage to reach 85% -90%.

Hydrogen: Up to 10% to 15%.

Oxygen: which ranges from zero to 1.5%.

Sulfur: whose rate is estimated at 0.1% to 3%.

Nitrogen: which ranges from 0.1% to 5%.

It has been called oil relative to the Greek word (petroleum) Which consists of two parts ;the first is (Petra) and means rock, and the second is (Olium) which means oil or fat.

 With regard to the use of this liquid, it is impossible to use crude oil immediately after extraction, it needs to be subject to a process called (oil refining), in order to obtain the known oil derivatives that can be used.

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