مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي
مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي

مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي

مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي تحتوي علي كل المعلومات الهامة عن كلا من الطعام الصحي والطعام الغير صحي لكل من يبحث عن معلومات في هذا الموضوع او يريد ان يتعرف اكثر علي الاطعمة وفوائدها فسيجد هنا مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي.

مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي

اتباع النظام الغذائي السليم والملئ بالاطعمة الظازجه والصحية سوف يحافظ علي صحته من كل الامراض وهنا ستجد مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي ستجد بها كل ما يفيدك من معلومات حول الاطعمة.

Food is unhealthy because it does not contain useful nutrients. It does not contain the minerals and vitamins necessary for the body’s daily needs. On the contrary, it contains a high proportion of saturated fats, hydrogenated oils, complex sugars, and salts Which affect the body and cause serious diseases such as the rise of harmful cholesterol and the resulting sudden clots and diseases in the heart, kidneys and liver, in addition to these foods may often cause diseases such as diabetes, stress, cancer and others.

With the complexity of daily life, most people have moved away from daily healthy food for their tendency to fast life and lack of time to cook daily at home, so they go to restaurants to eat unhealthy food, which makes them complain of many health problems in the future.

For example, boiled potatoes are useful for the body, but if fried, they produce large calories stored in the body, causing obesity and diabetes, and frying potatoes and eggplants at very high temperatures. Cause the production of cancer cells that cause different types of cancers in the future.

Desserts of all kinds: chocolate in the market and saturated with fat, as well as types of cakes and cheeses cake and gatewo covered with creams, baklava, kanafah etc., all contain a high proportion of sugars that cause difficulty in digestion, and weight increase, diseases of high sugar and pressure.

Stimulates: Some stimulants have good benefits such as tea and coffee. The tea works to adjust the acidity of the stomach and reduce the pressure. The coffee works to alert the nervous system and reduce the feeling of indigestion, but if the rates of eating on two cups it will have negative effects on the body. Absorption of iron in the body, especially if it was drunk during meals.

Soft drinks: The addiction to drink soft drinks such as Pepsi and others cause serious diseases in the digestive system and kidney and fragility of the organ and completely devoid of nutritional benefits.

High fat foods such as fast food, hamburgers, cheeses, red meat, and some types of fish that are fried in eggs and flour are very dangerous to health and are very common in international restaurants in all countries. These absorb a lot of fat caused Cancer, heart disease and high blood cholesterol.

It is really important to eat healthy, because it actually makes you feel positive energy and happiness, and makes you look different because of all the vitamins and minerals you enter into the body. Changing the smallest details in your diet will make a big difference after a period of time, and a healthy and balanced diet should be full of essential nutrients to make sure your body gets the food needed for the brain and body to function well. In addition, eating healthy food has other benefits, including:

Helps maintain a healthy and natural weight. Strengthens the body’s immunity, heals diseases more quickly, and is not much affected when the disease. Food affects your mood. Eating fat-filled foods will make you feel depressed and inactive. Good eating improves your mood, increases activity, makes your day full of energy, and gives you the energy to do whatever kind of physical and sporting activity you love.

Healthy eating protects against chronic diseases and is very common in this time: sugar, pressure, high blood cholesterol and, of course, heart disease, all of which are closely related to the diet. Healthy food is associated with exercise, which makes the body take advantage of all the vitamins, minerals and proteins it enters, burning unwanted fat.

بهذا نكون قد قدمنا لكم مقارنة بين الطعام الصحي والغير صحي بالانجليزي لكل طالب وباحث يريد تكون موضوع او بحث فى هذا التخصص وتستيطع قراءة المزيد عن الطعام الصحي من خلال الموضوع التالي :

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نبذة عن ادارة موقع مواضيع باللغة الاتجليزية وجميع الموظفين: نحن فريق واحد هدفنا تقديم افضل واسهل وسائل تعليم اللغة الانجليزية التي يحتاج لها كل طالب ودارس وباحث حتي يصل لهدفة.

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