معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي
معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي

معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي

معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي تفيد كل شخص يبحث عن معلومات هامة وقيمة ومعلومات عن سور الصن العظيم بالانجليزي, فاذا كنت تريد معلومات تمكنك من كتابة موضوع او مقال اوبحث عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي فستجد هنا في هذا المقال كل ما تبحث عنه من معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي

سور الصين العظيم هذا المعلم الاثري والتاريخي الرائع الذي يبحث الجميع عن معلومات عنه, فاذا كنت تبحث عن معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي فستجد هنا كل ما يهمك.

The Great Wall of China is the wall between the northern border and the northwestern border of the People’s Republic of China, extending from Chenhuangtao on the Yellow Sea to the east to the Gautai region of Gansu Province in the west. To the south, another wall was built; this wall extended from the Beijing area to the Handen region. The length of the Great Wall of China is estimated to be about two thousand and four hundred kilometers.

The Great Wall of China is one of the world’s most important sites, one of the major tourist attractions in China. It was chosen as one of the most important World Heritage sites and was chosen as one of the new Seven Wonders of the World based on the survey in 2007.

One of the most important features of the Great Wall of China is the defense function that it is designed for and built for. It is a unique defense project with all its meaning; it is a rare and difficult coin in human architectural history at all. The Great Wall of China was able to show the genius that the ancient Chinese had enjoyed, and showed their patience and whim for the completion of this great, massive and embellished project. The construction of the Great Wall began more than two thousand years ago.

The Great Wall of China consists of defensive walls, as well as towers for surveillance, except for military barracks for soldiers, strategic corridors, and towers used for warning purposes. The defense system is under multi-level military control.

The Great Wall of China crosses many of the great geographical terrain, such as mountains, mountains, rivers and meadows. Hence, the material on which the wall is built varies according to the area in which it passes. In areas of desert nature, the wall is composed of local stones, Willow, due to the scarcity of bricks and rocks, while the walls are of dust, as well as unburned clay, in the areas that follow the Yellow Plateau to the northwestern part of China.

The first part of this wall was built during the reign of the Tango Chango. This building enabled them to protect their property from the attacks of the Turks and Mongols. After the unification of China in 2324, the construction of the wall increased, Over 300 thousand Chinese workers built it,and the wall has undergone improvements and developments over successive years.

وبهذا نكون قد قدمنا معلومات عن سور الصين العظيم بالانجليزي لكل باحث وطالب يريد هذا الموضوع ويمكنك الدخول علي العديد من الموضوعات الاخري عن سور الصين العظيم او موضوعات متنوعة من خلال القسم التالي :

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