معلومات عن بريطانيا بالانجليزي
معلومات عن بريطانيا بالانجليزي

معلومات عن بريطانيا بالانجليزي

معلومات عن بريطانيا بالانجليزي نتعلم منها كل ما يهمك معرفته عن بريطانيا وموقعها ومناخها واهم ما يميزها, وسنتعرف ايضا على نبذة تاريخية عن بريطانيا وعن نظام الحكم الحالى فيها. كل ذلك ستجده هنا من خلال معلومات عن بريطانيا بالانجليزي .

معلومات عن بريطانيا بالانجليزي

تعتبر بريطانيا قوة عظمى على مرا العصور وقد كانت تحتل حوالى ربع العالم في فترة من فترات التاريخ . وهنا سنتعرف على الكثير عن بريطانيا من خلال معلومات عن بريطانيا بالانجليزي . 


Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is defined as a super-sovereign State and one of the greatest empires of history, whose influence in language, culture and legal systems has so far been in force in the States that it colonized previously.

General information about Britain

Geographical location of Britain

Britain is located in continental Europe of the northwestern coast. Britain consists of the archipelago of Great Britain, the Northern part of the island of Ireland, and a lot of small islands.

The borders of Northern Ireland are the only land borders in the Kingdom, separated from the Republic of Ireland. 

History of Britain

Britain had an important role in the history of the Middle Ages and modern times throughout the world.  Historians considered that the British Empire was one of the greatest empires in terms of size on land and sea, which had a significant impact on the development of Western ideas.

The history of this great empire began with the Union of Wales, the Kingdom of Ireland and the Kingdom of Scotland during the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries.

In 1707, the Kingdom of Great Britain was established. The island of Ireland was separated in 1922 after a bitter military struggle with Britain, and Northern Ireland remained part of the United Kingdom.

Area of ​​Britain

According to a statistic conducted in 2016, Britain has a total area of ​​78,772 km². It is ranked 15th in terms of area worldwide and one of the largest in the world.

Population in Britain

By 2016, Britain had a population of about 65,097,000,000 people and was ranked seventh in terms of population worldwide. 

Climate in Britain

Britain’s climate is temperate and rainy throughout the year. Temperatures vary from below -11 ° C to more than 35 ° C. The country’s northern highlands are experiencing heavy snowfalls.

Language and currency in Britain

English is the first language in Britain, as well as other local languages, such as: Welsh, Gaelic in Scotland and Irish. The population uses the Sterling pound in their transactions from buying and selling.

The rule in Britain

Britain has a constitutional monarchy and is one of the federal states in accordance with the resolution of 1800. It includes four regions: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

The rule of the country is a parliamentary system, and the government is located in the capital London. In addition to some local governments based in Belfast, Cardiff and Edinburgh.

There are also fourteen Territories known as Britain’s British Overseas Territories, and they exercise absolute self-government, and only back to Britain in defense affairs.

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