معلومات عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي
معلومات عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي

معلومات عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي

معلومات عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي  سوف تتعلم منها العديد من التفاصيل والمعلومات عن برج ايفل ووقت بناؤه وايضا استخداماته واهميته بالنسبه لفرنسا. كل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في معلومات عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي

برج ايفل من عجائب الدنيا السبعة ومن اهم العلامات التي تمير باريس وفرنسا بأكملها وهو من اهم المزارات التاريخيه التي تجذب السياح من كافة انحاء العالم.كل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في معلومات عن برج ايفل بالانجليزي.

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower was designed as a unique entrance to the international military exhibition held in Paris for the centennial of the French Revolution.

It was commissioned by Gustav Eiffel in 1882, and was commissioned to build about seven billion eight hundred thousand French francs.

As a result of the finite creativity in its construction and design, More than half of the value of its construction was recovered in just one year, and in 1946, the Eiffel Tower was listed on the list of historical monuments of Paris.

Eiffel Tower designe

The Eiffel tower has a 300-meter-high steel structure, named after the 300th tower in the opening, after which the Eiffel Tower was named after Gustav Eiffel, who ordered its construction and the owner of the idea of its design.

Work began on the construction of the Eiffel Tower on January 26, 1982, and lasted for two years and two months with the participation of more than fifty architects and 300 workers.

 In the first five months, the foundations of the tower were built, while the construction of the tower was commissioned for twenty-one months, to complete the construction work on the 31st of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine, to be officially opened on May 6, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine.

The height of the Eiffel Tower at the time of construction is about three hundred meters, and then added an additional floor to carry the flag, reaching a height of three hundred and twelve meters.

 It was then added to the satellite antenna for a total height of more than three hundred and twenty-four meters, to be registered as one of the tallest buildings in the world at that time.

Uses the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower has been used since its construction in several development and economic projects that serve France, some of which can be mentioned:

Broadcast: The Eiffel Tower was used in an attempt to broadcast the radio in the year one thousand nine hundred and six, and was actually used in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six,.

 It was not just a radio broadcast but a TV broadcast in which it actually began to work In the year one thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven.

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