معلومات عن الوجبات السريعه بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الوجبات السريعه بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الوجبات السريعه بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الوجبات السريعه بالانجليزي نتعلم منها العديد والعديد من الاشياء المفيدة لنا والتي تعرفنا اكثر على اضرار الوجبات السريعة للكبار والاطفال ايضا. كل ذلك واكثر ستجده هنا من خلال معلومات عن الوجبات السريعه بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن الوجبات السريعه بالانجليزي

تعتبر الوجبات السريعة من اكثر اسباب انتشار الامراض بين الكبار والصغار في عصرنا هذا من سمنة وسكر وضغط دم مرتفع وغيرها من الامراض, وهذا ما سنتعرف عليه هنا من خلال معلومات عن الوجبات السريعه بالانجليزي.

Fast food

Fast food is a type of food that is preferred by a large number of people; to save time and effort, and for easy preparation as wellز

What should be noted is that fast food is not limited to ready-to-eat meals, which are obtained from restaurants, but also home-made meals, which carry the same specifications. The most common disadvantage of fast food is the containment of large proportions of fat, calories and the lack of quality of the meal, often prepared with ingredients prepared long before.  In this article we will know information about the effects of fast food on the health of adults and young people.

Fast food damage to adult health

Fast food has many damage threatens human health if he used to it, and these damages are:  

Obesity: Fast food is one of the most important factors leading to obesity, because it contains high percentages of harmful hydrogenated oils and calories, and does not stop the impact of obesity on weight gain in some areas of the body, such as waist and buttocks, but extends to the impact of the body exposure to heart disease, Cholesterol and blood pressure.

Gastric ulcers: Fast food contributes significantly to gastric ulcers, due to the spice and hot flavors used in the meal, as well as soft drinks that damage the lining of the stomach.

Stress and Depression: Too much junk food often leads to depression; because these meals are free of vitamin B, vitamin D, and omega-3, In addition, it may cause stress to humans, because of the high proportion of salts in these meals.

Alzheimer’s disease: Recent studies have shown that excessive eating fast food, increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease; because of the absence of vitamin E, unlike other foods that include this vitamin, which promotes brain work and memory activation.

Hypertension: High salt content in fast food, causing health problems in the heart and kidney, in addition to high blood pressure.

Fast food damage to children’s health

The mother often finds it difficult to attract children to healthy meals, because of their passion for fast food. As fast food is a danger to adult health, it also has many risks to the health of children which include:

Taking a child to fast food frequently and continuously, exposing him to kidney disease due to the presence of a large proportion of salts. Children should not eat large quantities of salts, so the child should be used to eating fast food once every 10 days.

The child is exposed to cancer because he does not have enough fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.  

Weakness of the child’s immunity, which makes him more susceptible to various diseases, because of lack of the  minerals in his body, nutrients and vitamins.

Blockage of arteries and fat deposits in the arteries leading to the heart.

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