معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي تفيد كل دارس وباحث يريد ان يتعرف اكثر على الذئب ذلك الحيوان الشديد الذكاء .وهنا ستجد معلومات عديدة ومتنوعة عن حياة الذئب تتعلم من خلالها كل ما لم تكن تعرفه من قبل عن الذئب. كل تلك المعلومات هنا في معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي

يعرف الذئب بشراسته الشديدة وانه من الحيوانات التي لا يمكن تربيتها واعتبارها حيوان اليف ويعرف ايضا بذكاؤه الشديد وقوته وانه من الحيوانات المنظمة جدا التي تعيش في قطيع. ستعرف كل تلك المعلومات واكثر هنا في معلومات عن الذئب بالانجليزي.

The wolf

Wolf, from mammals, belongs to the dog breeder, an animal characterized by sharp intelligence, and the ability to organize and planning, and is characterized by the vigilance and cunning, ferocity, and beautiful form.

There are many types of wolves, including the gray wolf, the Arab wolf which an endangered species, the alaskan wolf, the white wolf, the polar wolf, the Mexican wolf, the steppe and many more. 

Basic information about  the wolf

Here are some important information about wolf life:

The wolf can distinguish human blood from a distance several miles away.

Do not eat the carcass, no matter how hungry it is.

It can not be hybridized, or considered a pet.

When attacking cattle herds, it chose the best in the herd, and the wolf with its supernatural intelligence can distinguish whether the shepherd bears arms or not, whether male or female, and accordingly decides to attack the herd.

 It is considered of animals that stabilize do not settle in a particular place.

Female wolf, especially the female with children, more ferocious than male.

The voice of the wolf is called “howl”.

The wolf is a social animal, living in the form of herds, each of the herd has divided and organized functions.

Wolf is a companion animal, not a multilayered animal, and in the event of a partner’s death, it is very painful, and its sadness and grief may extend to many months or years.

The wolf is known to be a difficult animal to adapt , which does not accept change in its surroundings quickly, but needs some time.

The wolf has the ability to communicate visually, communicate in body language with the rest of his sex.

The wolf transmits a number of diseases, including brucellosis, foot-and-mouth disease and anthrax.

The wolf’s female pregnancy lasts two months.

The wolves’ mating lasts from January to April.

A wolf is called “puppy”  or “garmus”, a female wolf is called a “lupus”.

The wolf reaches the stage of sexual maturity at the age of two or three years.

The length of the wolf’s body is about two meters, while its tail is half a meter long, and its height is about sixty-five centimeters, and weighs between 12 kilograms and 80 kilograms.

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