معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي
معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي

معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي ستجد فيها كل ما يهمك وما تريد معرفته عن الدولفين وعن اماكن تواجدها وانواعها ومصادر غذاؤها. مما لا شك فيه ان الدولفين مخلوق رائع يحبه الكثير من البشر ويريدون معرفة الكثير عنه .وهنا سوف تجد كل ما تبحث عنه في معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي

الدولفين من المخلوقات البحرية الغاية في الجمال ويتميز الدولفين ايضا بالذكاء الشديد ومساعدته للبشر احيانا. وهنا سوف نقدم لكم العديد من المعلومات عن الدولفين التي من خلالها ستتعرف اكثر على هذا المخلوق الرائع. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في معلومات عن الدولفين بالانجليزي.


 The dolphins are a social group that loves people and lives only in swarms. It is fun and loves playing. It may harass the marine animals that are present with it just for fun and entertainment. They may also establish a friendship with children and play with them.

Dolphins of marine mammals that live in all seas and oceans except the polar ones, they do not tolerate the high cold, it can be said that they are spread throughout the world.

They are about 40 species in seventeen genera, and vary in size and lengths and weights ranging between 1.2 Meters to 9.5 meters, while weighing between 40 kilograms to 10 tons.

Dolphin structure and characteristics

 Dolphins are characterized by smooth and spindle, which makes it easy to swim at a very high speed. And depends on determining directions on the echo, where there is in her head a round member called Melon which is responsible for determining trends, Dolphins live for long ages up to 250 years.

Dolphins have the ability to hear sounds, they can hear the sound vibrations at a rate that exceeds the human ability to hear dozens of times.

 It also has an acute vision and a high level of touch ,but lacks a sense of smell.  If they are in danger, they make a sound like a whistling sound to the other dolphins.

Although dolphins contain hair follicles, they contain only a few hairs on the beaks. The dolphins have only one lung, so they get oxygen from the air as they go out to the surface of the water, breathe in oxygen, then sink into the depths again. It lasts for long periods under water and it breathes in a voluntary manner.

One of the characteristics of the dolphins is that the brain is divided into two parts so that one part sleeps and the other remains to control the process of involuntary breathing and to be careful of the dangers and threats that may surround it, and sleep and one eye is open, but it is observed that the dolphins living in houses in captivity sleep completely and close both eyes .

Dolphins food and reproduction

Dolphins feed on meat, especially fish and squid, but there are some species of deadly dolphins that feed on other marine mammals.

 As we mentioned earlier, dolphins love to live in swarms, love surfing, Play and play with seaweed, sea birds and sea turtles, interact well with swimmers.

Dolphins breed  by birth, where the duration of pregnancy is eleven months, and then the mother continue to breastfeed its baby for one year.

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