تعبير عن مدينة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن مدينة بالانجليزي

تعبير عن مدينة بالانجليزي

تعبير عن مدينة بالانجليزي من الموضوعات المتكررة التي تطلب كثيرا من الطلاب والدارسين. وذلك حتي يعطي الطالب فرصة يتحدث عن مدينة يعرفها بحرية واختيار كلمات كثيرة يستطيع من خلالها تكوين جمل انجليزية لتساعدة فى التحدث بطلاقة .

تعبير عن مدينة بالانجليزي

سأتحدث اليوم عن أحد المدن السياحية العالمية التي تحظى بشهرة عالمية ويقصدها السياح من جميع أنحاء العالم. ومعروفة كثيرا فى الدول العربية والاجنبية لما تمثلة من حضارة وتاريخ , وبسبب شهرة هذه البلد سوف تناسب كل من يريد تقديم تعبير عن مدينة بالانجليزي .

The city of Aswan is the capital of Aswan Governorate of the Arab Republic of Egypt, which is the southern gate of Egypt and located on the eastern bank of the Nile at the first waterfall of the Nile.

It has a population of 200,000. Aswan is one of the driest densely populated areas in the world.

Aswan was known as Syene during Pharaonic and Greek ages.

In which Eratosthenes refuted the theory of flat ground and made the first calculation of the Earth’s diameter taking Syene as a center and Alexandria as an endpoint to calculate the length of the arc between the two points and the angle of the fall of sunlight on both cities, according to the result, he calculated the earth’s diameter. Eratosthenes was based on the sun’s quadrate throughout the course of cancer (almost passing through Aswan) on 21 June.

Tourism in Aswan

Aswan is located on the eastern bank of the Nile at a distance of 899 km south of Cairo. It is a link between Egypt and Sudan and thus is the gateway to the heart of the African continent, making it an important commercial center.

The most important ancient monuments in the city of Aswan:

Fentin Island:

It was one of the strongest fortresses on the southern border of Egypt and is now opposite the hotel “Katrakt” and was the god “Khnom” in the form of the head of a ram.

The temples of the island:

The island contains remains of stone temples of different ages, shows on the gate of one of the halls of the southern temple inscriptions representing Alexander II in the form of an Egyptian king offering sacrifices to the various gods.

Nile scale:

It is back to the Roman era and shows the measures of the flood of the Nile in Greek and Arabic languages ​​and was used until recently.

Agelica Island:

Contains the Philae temple and ruins are covered by Nile waters. The Philae temple has been dismantled and re-assembled over the island, 500 meters away from the site of the Philae Temples. Sound and light are also displayed in Philae temples in all different languages.

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تعبير بالانجليزي

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