تعبير عن ابها بالانجليزي
تعبير عن ابها بالانجليزي

تعبير عن ابها بالانجليزي

تعبير عن ابها بالانجليزي يحتوي على العديد من المعلومات الهامة عن مدينة ابها السعودية والتي تعتبر من اهم واجمل المدن السياحية في المملكة العربية السعودية. ستجد هنا كل ما يهمك معرفته عن مدينة ابها في تعبير عن ابها بالانجليزي.

تعبير عن ابها بالانجليزي

مما لا شك فيه ان اجمل المدن السياحية في المملكة العربية السعودية هي مدينة ابها وذلك لتميز مناخها وروعة الاماكن السياحية فيها التي تجذب السياح من كافة انحاء العالم .هنا ستعرف عن موقع المدينة ومناخها والمعالم السياحية بها في تعبير عن ابها بالانجليزي.

Abha city

Known as the bride of the south and mistress of the fog, which is one of the cities of the Asir region located in the south-west of Saudi Arabia, and is the administrative capital of the region. 

It had the headquarters of the ministries, and gave several titles  which show the beauty of nature that distinguishes it from other Saudi cities.

Abha is under the rule of the Prince Faisal bin Khalid bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. Its rise from the surface of the earth is more than two thousand and four hundred meters.

The statistics for 2010 indicate that its population is up to 336.551 people,  Youth constitute 87% of the population.  The city of Abha is known for its agriculture, where the climatic conditions enabled its people to encourage agriculture, which led to the production of various agricultural crops such as apples, figs, apricots, pomegranates, corn, plums and other crops.


 The area of ​​the city of Abha stretches up to five thousand hectares, and sits above the mountains of the Hijaz, bordered by the province of Khamis Mushait from the eastern and north-east, while the north-western border is the share of the province of Namas, It is also surrounded by Mahayel governorate from the west and southwest.

The climate

 The city is experiencing snowfall in late autumn and early winter season. Rainfall levels are also recorded daily in the spring season.

 As for summer, the weather is mild, especially in high mountainous areas, The city records its highest temperature in the summer of 25 degrees Celsius, and may fall to below six degrees below zero in the winter.  The city has seasonal winds that come from Russia.

Landmarks of Abha

Abha has become a destination for tourists from all over the world due to its historical and archaeological significance and its strategic location.The city’s most famous tourist attractions include:

 Al Souda Tourism Park: The most beautiful park in Saudi Arabia, with the highest mountain peak on the Arabian Peninsula, Tahalal mountain ,  and rises from the sea level three thousand and two hundred and seven meters, and extends in the north-west of the city in the village of Souda.

The Abha dam: constructed in the western part of the city, and built for storing rainwater in the area and supplying the city with drinking water.

The new city of Abha: the western part of the city, hosts a number of hotels, most notably the Abha Palace Hotel, the City of Games and others.

 Abu Khail Park: is located above the round road in the city.

The Green Mountain Tourist Park: sits on the highest mountain peak in the city, zorah Mountain.

Habla Park: separating it from the city fifty kilometers.

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