تعبير انجليزي 100 كلمة
تعبير انجليزي 100 كلمة

تعبير انجليزي 100 كلمة

تعبير انجليزي 100 كلمة، مما لاشك فيه أننا نجد سؤال التعبير في اللغة الانجليزية في جميع المراحل التعليمية، في المراحل الاولي يطلب تعبير قصير، أما في السنوات المتقدمة نجد تعبير عن نفسي بالانجليزي 80 كلمه، تعبير عن نفسي بالانجليزي طويل، تعبير انجليزي 150 كلمة، وهكذا.

تعبير انجليزي 100 كلمة

تعبير انجليزي 100 كلمة، يعد التعبير المكون من 100 كلمة من مواضيع التعبير السهلة والتي نستطيع تحصيل أكبر عدد من الدرجات من خلال حله، ولذلك سوف نقدم لكم اليوم مجموعة من النماذج لهذا التعبير، حتي يتعلم الطالب كيفية الكتابة.


The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games, an international sports festival which takes place every four years, are particularly famous for athletics. But they also include individual sports, like swimming, and team sports, like football and hockey. For sportsmen and sportswomen everywhere, taking part in the Games is usually the highlight of their careers.

At first, the Olympic Games were part of a Greece festival. It started by running. Later, longer races and boxing were added, but in 349,all the games were stopped.

After fifteen hundred years , modern people discovered the ancient games, so they said that why we don’t start it now. They knew that sports would help the world to be a more peaceful place. So it started again in 1896.

The Olympic Games makes the world better, and it makes many people want to try sports, it began over a hundred years ago, it have been faster and stronger.


تعبير انجليزي 150 كلمة


Food is the most important thing in our live, we must be sure that food is good . The only way to to make sure that the food we buy is safe to eat is food safety organizations.

When we buy food we must read the list of ingredients, we do this to know if this food natural or artificial. We must know the date of expiry to know when we shouldn’t eat it.

We must check all this matters , because owners of shops that sell food that is later than its expiry date can be fined. The expiry food makes a lot of problems that leads to death.

We must know if the fruit and vegetables such as potatoes and tomatoes,were grown using chemicals and will be bad for you. We must know if the bread clean or not.

The food organization can’t check all your food, so you must check your food by your self. Meat and cheese must should be fresh and kept cool. When you buy food it must be covered, so that insects can’t land on it.

You must buy food from a reliable shop, and it being tasty and healthy. Cooked food from the street is very dangerous. Also raw meat can make you very ill.


تعبير عن نفسي بالانجليزي 80 كلمه,تعبير عن نفسي بالانجليزي طويل

about myself

I am Ali and I am from Egypt. Today, I have got English, math,social students,Arabic, science and music. We have our science lessons.

In the laboratory. We must be careful in it , it’s next to the library and opposite the toilets. We mustn’t talk in the lessons, but we can talk at break in the playground. After break, we have music. The music room is at the end of the corridor. It is on the first floor, so I walk up the stairs.

I go to school every day at 8 O’clock. I meet my friends there,  we play and talk. We have a break after our lessons. I like my teachers and my friends very much.

My favorite subject is math. I like math very much. My math teacher is very kind and helpful. I hope I will be a math teacher.

I like sports especially football, most people like it and playing it or watching on it. It’s an interesting sport and I go to Cairo international stadium to watch football matches. It is in Nasr City.

I like some famous players who practice hard every day. Such as Mohamed Salah. I like him very much, and I hope to be like him. So I  practice every day.

I live now with my family, I love them and they hope to see me a doctor. So I do my best and study hard. When I be a doctor I will help all people especially kids. I like kids and I hope to marry and have two kids.

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نبذة عن ادارة موقع مواضيع باللغة الاتجليزية وجميع الموظفين: نحن فريق واحد هدفنا تقديم افضل واسهل وسائل تعليم اللغة الانجليزية التي يحتاج لها كل طالب ودارس وباحث حتي يصل لهدفة.

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  1. انجليزية

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