تعبير انجليزي عن brain
تعبير انجليزي عن brain

تعبير انجليزي عن brain

تعبير انجليزي عن brain، العقل من أجمل ما ميز به الله سبحانه وتعالي البشر، فهي نعمة عظيمة ميزت الانسان علي سائر المخلوقات الأخري، ولا نستطيع تخيل حياة الانسان بدون عقل، لأنه بدون عقل لن يستطييع تمييز الصواب والخطأ، وسيكون مثله مثل الحيوانات التي لا تدرك مدي صحة أو خطأ ما تفعله.

تعبير انجليزي عن brain

تعبير انجليزي عن brain، يعتبر العقل من أهم سبل ووسائل التمييز بين كل ما هو نافع وبين كل ما هو ضار، وأيضا يستطيع الانسان بالعقل أن يحل الكثير من المشكلات التي تواجهه في هذه الحياة، وأيضا يعد العقل الباب الوحيد لفهم الاديان والعقائد التي كلفنا الله سبحانه وتعالي بها.


Among the many blessings that Allaah has given to man is the grace of reason .A person must realize the importance of reason in his life and avoid his destruction or absence by following his own desires

If a person does not have a mind in which he understands his life and the reasons for his existence, his existence in life would not have any benefit. The colonization and reclamation of the land always requires the mind that is thinking about inventing the means and methods that lead to it

The rational person distinguishes right, wrong, useful and harmful. A rational person is the person who can distinguish between what is right and what is the opposite, because the mind provides man with the causes and tools that lead to the realization of matters and issues

Many of the acts of worship that Allaah has enjoined on people are a condition for a Muslim to be reasonable,Such as prayer, fasting, etc, and that many transactions in life and contracts between people are done only if the parties to the contract are reasonable such as marriage and contracts of various transactions of sale and rent

The scientists who brought out all that we benefit from in our lives are working their minds in science and creativity so that they were able to do so, but their achievements were only because of their full investment of their minds and thinking and dedication in scientific research and reflection in the universe and its laws

Brain is the source of wisdom that has characterized many throughout history, the non-wise can not imagine to be wise because wisdom requires insight into things and rationality with a test of life experiences and weighting right

Throughout history, man has achieved many achievements and inventions at various levels and fields. Buildings, systems, states, electricity, even fire would not have been discovered without the mind

وبهذا القدر نكون قد قدمنا لكم تعبير انجليزي عن brain، للمزيد من مواضييع التعبير المختلفة يتم الضغط علي الرابط التالي:

عن admin

نبذة عن ادارة موقع مواضيع باللغة الاتجليزية وجميع الموظفين: نحن فريق واحد هدفنا تقديم افضل واسهل وسائل تعليم اللغة الانجليزية التي يحتاج لها كل طالب ودارس وباحث حتي يصل لهدفة.

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