بحث حول مطعم مشهور باللغة الانجليزية
بحث حول مطعم مشهور باللغة الانجليزية

بحث حول مطعم مشهور باللغة الانجليزية

بحث حول مطعم مشهور باللغة الانجليزية هو موضوع هام ومتكرر لما فيه من تمرين على استخدام الكلمات الجديدة مما يفيد جميع الطلاب والدارسين. وكثيرا مايطلب لما يحتوية من كلمات كثيرة هامة تساعد فى تعلم اللغة الانجليزية .

بحث حول مطعم مشهور باللغة الانجليزية

تعتبر سلسلة بيتزا هت من أشهر سلاسل البيتزا في العالم. وسواء كنت تفضل البيتزا السميكة، الرقيقة أو المقرمشة فالمهم هو أنك تفضل هذا المزيج الرائع من الجبن، الخبز والطماطم.

Pizza Hut is one of the most famous pizza chains in the world. Whether you prefer thick, thin or crispy pizza, it is important that you prefer this wonderful mix of cheese, bread and tomatoes.

The series got its name because the wife of one of the founders was of the opinion that the first building of the restaurant looked like a hut.

The first Pizza Hut restaurant opened on May 31, 1958 in Wichita, Kansas, by Dan brothers and Frank Carney after they borrowed $ 600 from their mother. The store is still open to this day.

Pizza Hut is the largest cheese user in the world. It is estimated that the chain uses about 35.36 million kilograms of cheese per summer and uses about 136 million kilograms a year.

Although 350 pizzas are sold every second at the US, the most successful Pizza Hut branch in Moscow sells for £ 6,500 of pizza, pasta and drinks daily.

In America only Pizza Hut offers a special package for engagement to help customers to ask the traditional marriage question. The package costs about $ 10,000, including a limousine, a sapphire ring, flowers, fireworks, a professional photographer, a $ 10 pizza, five pieces of bread, and ten pieces of cinnamon bread.

Pizza Hut was planning to engrave the chain logo on the moon using the laser, but they had to give up this idea because it would need to be on a very large area near the Texas area.

Pizza Hut has started receiving online delivery orders since 1994. The first online order was pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms and extra cheese.

The chain delivered pizza to the International Space Station in 2001, paying Russia $ 1 million for pizza delivery and chain publicity.

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