بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية
بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية

بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية

بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية تجد فيه العديد من المعلومات الهامة والقيمة عن احد الحيوانات المنقرضة وهو النمر العربي وستجد هنا كل المعلومات التي تهمك عنه في بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية.

بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية

اصبحت الحيوانات المهددة بالانقراض الان لا حصر لها وهنا سوف نتحدث بالتفصيل عن النمر العربي وهو من اكثر الحيوانات المهددة بالانقراض. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية.

Arabian Tiger  

Arabic Tiger  (In Latin: Panthera pardus nimr) is a medium-sized animal belonging to the family of nymphs, living in different parts of the Great Arab Desert and South Asia, and are skilled agitators in hunting.

 There are seven types of tigers living in the world that vary in size, appearance, and geographic location. The Arabian tiger is one of the endangered animals due to its over-hunting for the sale of its fur; the number is now only 200 tiger.

Its geographical presence has shrunk to a very large extent. After living in most of the mountainous regions of the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant and Egypt, This animal has become completely extinct in the countries of Jordan and Egypt, and is strongly threatened by extinction in other countries.

Although there are fifteen species in the tiger family, the Arabian tiger is the smallest in size, with an average weight of about 30 kilograms, and its length is about one hundred and thirty centimeters, and is very much related to the African family of the Tigers genetically and taxonomically.

The Arabian tiger is the largest and most powerful in terms of physical and musculoskeletal structure, and it has a pale color compared to other tiger species. It helps to better integrate with desert nature in its natural habitat.

History of the Arabian Tiger

 Four tiger breeds lived in the Arabian Peninsula, but one of them – the Seine Tiger – became extinct during the 20th century, while two others, the Persian and Anatolian Tiger, no longer existed in the Arab region.

Their places were confined to North. The Arabian Tiger is the last of the Tigers still present in the Arabian Peninsula, despite its small numbers and the danger of extinction awaiting it.

It is not known to what extent the number of the Arabian tiger has shrunk and where it exists, but it is likely to have disappeared from most of the places where it had previously existed, with few exceptions.

The current situation of the Arabian tiger

 It is possible that the Arabian tiger still lives on a relatively large geographical area of ​​Saudi Arabia, but this area is much smaller than it was previously.

Specialist researchers believe that the area in which the animal lives in Saudi Arabia has shrunk by 90% since The nineteenth century, and continues to shrink annually over the last fifteen years by 10% each year.

The main reasons for the decline in the numbers of these animals in Saudi Arabia are the destruction of their natural habitat, their capture by the local population and the violation of their habitats by building cities and highways within them.

The programs of the surveys to monitor and count the numbers of these animals in Saudi Arabia are not very effective.

Only a small number of tigers were caught with cameras and specialized equipment between 1998 and 2003, including what is certain that what was seen was a tiger and not confirmed, The number of Arab tigers in the Kingdom is estimated to be about 60 to 425, with an area of ​​20,000 square kilometers. 

It is also believed that this animal lived throughout the mountains of Yemen, but it has disappeared from most of them, facing the dangers of hunting and killing by the population, and the amount of food available to him, and the deterioration of the environment, and his condition in Yemen has not been subjected to any scientific study for a long time .

The Arabian tiger lived in various mountainous regions of Oman as well, but its presence is limited in the Dhofar Mountains, but its status in this country is now well studied.

The first efforts to save the Arabian tiger from extinction and re-propagation and launch in the wild since 1999, and since the nineties there are programs to increase the number of this animal in Sharjah and several other areas.

Basic Information About The Arabian tiger

The tiger belongs to the category of mammalian carnivores, and is classified within the family of nymphs, Tiger teeth are very sharp to kill and grab the prey.

The Arab Tiger lives alone, and defines the limits of his area. These leopards meet only in the mating season; they are very isolated and do not like to mix with each other, and keep himself in a very large area to find enough water and food.

The mating period lasts for five days, during which mating several times with the issuance of very high tones. The pregnancy lasts about 100 days, and the female tiger gives birth to a puppy of four in one pregnancy, hiding them in a safe place and caring for them for up to two full years.

The natural prey on which this tiger feeds in its environment is numerous, including the Nubian fern, mountain gazelle, Arab cleansing, and desert desert rabbit.

However, the problem is that many or most of its prey are threatened with extinction and their numbers are rapidly diminishing.

The Arabian tiger is forced to hunt human-fed cattle, making it unpopular with the local population.  Tigers do not need much Water, which can live from the moisture and fluid obtained from their prey.  The hearing of the tigers is five times stronger than the human hearing.

Some Arab tigers are currently located in special protected areas, and the mountain ranges of the Arabian Peninsula are considered the best habitat for the Arab tiger because of their rugged terrain and the variety of animal species available to the tiger.

 Arab tigers often live in mountainous highlands rather than in the desert. Tigers prefer to be active at night and go fishing under the cover of darkness, but remain cautious of any human presence.

بهذا نكون قد قدمنا لكم بحث حول حيوان مهدد بالانقراض بالانجليزية ويمكنكم قراءة المزيد من خلال القسم التالي :

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2 تعليقات

  1. شكرا لكم

  2. رأيي الخاص انكم تتحدثون عن حيوانات اقل شهرة مما يلفت الانتباه اكثر

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