موضوع عن باريس بالانجليزي
موضوع عن باريس بالانجليزي

موضوع عن باريس بالانجليزي

موضوع عن باريس بالانجليزي تجد به العديد من المعلومات الهامة عن باريس وموقعها واهم المعالم السياحية الموجودة في باريس. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في موضوع عن باريس بالانجليزي.

موضوع عن باريس بالانجليزي

باريس عاصمة الحب والجمال حيث يوجد بها اجمل الشوارع والمقاهي وايضا اجمل المناطق السياحية في العالم وكل  تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في موضوع عن باريس بالانجليزي.


Paris is the capital and largest city of France, located in the center of the north, in the heart of the region of Ile de France. The River Seine divides it into two parts: El San Luis and Ile de la Cité.

This world-class city is popular with many lovers and lovers of romance, and is characterized by the beauty of its streets, its ancient buildings and its natural features.

It is also the capital of French and European culture; it has an amazing blend of cultures and ethnicities,where many writers and thinkers grew up, making it a leading position in business activities worldwide.

It also has a river port which is ranked fourth in terms of importance in France after Marseille, Haver and Dunkirk.

Reason for naming Paris

The reason for its designation in Paris is to a tribe called Calais (Parisian), the first to inhabit this city.  It was also named the city of light, because it was the first city in Europe to light its roads with kerosene lamps in 1828, and because it embraced the great writers, artists, thinkers of the Enlightenment thinking.

Top landmarks in Paris

 The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. No one will walk through its streets and neighborhoods without visiting the tower, which is a symbol of love and romance.

It is one of the masterpieces of architecture, with a height of twenty-four meters. It is located in the Champs de Mars park near the Seine River.

The Museum of the Louvre: It is one of the most important museums around the world, and includes in his exhibition more than a million pieces of antique and rare paintings.

The museum is divided into sections according to the type and history of art. It includes a wide range of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and ancient Iraqi monuments.

The main sections of the museum is the great hall  which was built by Catherine de Medici in the 17th century.It contains dozens of important paintings of the most famous painters in the world, such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous Mona Lisa, and the portrait of Francis I of Titan.

Place de la Bastille: where was the French Revolution of 18300. It is an important venue for celebrations and festivals in the city. It has important tourist attractions, such as the famous Bastille column and part of the Saint Martin Canal.

Champs-Elysées: Paris’s most famous street, the busiest of tourists from all over the world; there are many international shops and exclusive cafés that have given it a special bustling nature.

 There are many other famous landmarks in Paris, such as the Versailles Palace, the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Arc de Triomphe, the Tuileries Park, the Strabensky fountains, and the Garnier Palace.

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