معلومات عن دولة قطر بالانجليزي
معلومات عن دولة قطر بالانجليزي

معلومات عن دولة قطر بالانجليزي

معلومات عن دولة قطر بالانجليزي تجد فيها كل ما تبحث عنه ويهمك معرفته عن دولة قطر من حيث الموقع والمساحة وعدد السكان وايضا سنتعرف على اقتصاد الدولة وغيرها من المعلومات الهامة. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في معلومات عن دولة قطر بالانجليزي.

معلومات عن دولة قطر بالانجليزي

تعتبر دولة قطر من اغني دول العالم لما يوجد فيها من مخزون للنفط والغاز الطبيعي الذي يعد الاكبر عالميا . وهنا سنتعرف ايضا على اهم الصناعات الموجودة في دولة قطر وايضا عن اهتمام الدولة بالرياضة. كل ذلك من خلال معلومات عن دولة قطر بالانجليزي.


Qatar is one of the Arab countries located in the east of the Arabian Peninsula and overlooking the Arabian Gulf.  It has land borders shared by the South with Saudi Arabia and maritime borders with the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain. According to statistics in 2013, the population is about 1.8 million, and its area is 11,521 km².

Qatar economy

Oil is the main source of income for Qatar’s economy; it produces about one million barrels of oil on a daily basis. Qatar is one of the Arab countries that is characterized by high income, and supported by the fact that it has a large reserve of natural gas and oil in the world.

It has been classified by the United Nations as the most advanced Arab country in the field of human development, and its per capita income is classified as the highest in the world.

Among the other industries on which Qatar relies is the cement and steel industry, and the manufacture and export of metals, as is the case with aluminum and iron, with the largest aluminum factory in the world.

Religion in Qatar

Most of the population of the State of Qatar condemns the Islamic religion, which is the country’s official religion, they are about 77.5% of the country’s population.The Christian population is 8.5% and some other religions are 14%, such as Hinduism and other Indian religions.

Sports in Qatar  

Football is one of the most popular sports in Qatar, followed by other collective sports, followed by individual sports such as horse and camel races and swimming.

There is a federation that supervises every game. All the federations follow the Qatar Olympic Committee. Qatar is the first Arab country to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022.

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