بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية
بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية

بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية

بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية نتعلم منه الكثير من المعلومات عن حياة المصريين القدماء وملوك الفراعنة الذين حكموا مصر لالاف السنين تاركين للعالم اجمع حضارة تبهر العقول والابصار على مر العصور. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية.

بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية

ترك لنا المصريين القدماء حضارة زاخرة بالاثار المصرية القديمة التي انتشر صيتها في العالم اجمع وحيرت الباحثين والدارسين من روعتها وجمالها . وهنا سنتعرف على العديد من المعلومات عنها من خلال بحث عن الاثار المصرية باللغة الانجليزية.

Ancient Pharaonic Egypt

Egypt, its temples speak about its glorious past. People  from all over the world are fascinated by the mystery and the beauty of ancient Egyptian civilization. Everyone who saw it wished he had a piece of it.

For thousands of years, Egyptian history appears through archaeological artifacts and gold coins buried beneath the sand, which archaeologists are extracting, analyzing, studying, and sending to all parts of the world as a rare archaeological value that can only be found in Egypt.


A statue carved with limestone, representing a mythical figure, carved to be the guardian of the place where it sits, has a human head, a lion’s body and standing on a huge stone base, next to the Pyramids, in Giza.  

The Sphinx is one of the oldest statues known in Giza. Archaeological studies have shown that it was carved in the period between two thousand and five hundred and thirty-two, and in the year of two thousand and five hundred and fifty-five, on the time of Pharaoh Khafra, the builder of the second pyramid in Giza.

The length of the statue of the Sphinx is about seventy-three meters, and its width is nine and a half meters, and it rises from the surface of the earth by about two thousand meters.

Archaeologists have discovered that it was a huge piece of stone, before Khafre ordered to installed it as a guard for the area.

The pyramids

The pyramids are located at a distance between the two areas of Abu Rawash in Giza to the area of ​​the Alhwara in the town of Fayoum.

They were built by the kings of the Pharaohs as royal tombs, to help their mortified bodies after death to move to heaven, to join the rest of the gods there, to take care of their people, and to spread goodness, blessings, and prosperity to them.

The construction of the Egyptian pyramids, which took their names from the pharaohs who built them on their time, “Khufu, Khafra, and Menkra” , took more than a hundred years, and it was from the period between two thousand and six hundred and eleven, to three thousand and six hundred and thirty.

The pyramid of Khufu is the largest pyramid among them, built by Pharaoh Khufu during his rule. The pyramid was distinguished by the many inscriptions and drawings that appeared on its walls, showing the glories of Pharaoh, some hymns, and the holy words that Pharaoh should give to the gods after his departure, to greet them, and to take blessings from them.

Manuscript of the doors of King Ramses I Pharaoh Egypt

Although Ramses I did not carry in his veins the original blood of pharaohs, he was able to reach judgment at a later age, and took the title of Pharaoh Ramses I.

He took the rule after the death of Tutankhamun who died without leaving an heir. And after him Horemheb took the rule, who did not stay too long, and died. But before his departure, he delivered the rule to his assistant, was named Ramses, and he was a strong military leader who witnessed his heroism in clearing the northern border of Egypt from the hands of the Huthis at that time. Where he reconstructed the royal dynasty again, the nineteenth dynasty of the pharaohs.

Ramses I was unable to leave many traces of his achievements during the period in which Egypt was ruled by him, but the manuscripts were considered important manuscripts that were found with him in his tomb. This manuscript is called the Book of Doors, which shows the ancient Egyptian beliefs, and some religious hymns that consecrate the king after his transition to another life.

The most prominent Egyptian pharaonic monuments in general

Luxor temple.

Pyramid of Zoser Amphitheater.

Valley of the Kings.

A stone in Palermo.

Turbine Papyrus.  

Karnak Temple.

Abu Simbel Temple.  

Pyramid of Sinfero.

The Statue of the Sphinx of Queen Hatshepsut.

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