Paragraph on pollution in English
Paragraph on pollution in English

Paragraph on pollution in English 6 models

Paragraph on pollution in English  contains many information about pollution, its causes and how it occurs, and all the information you will find here in Paragraph on pollution in English with all the important information you are looking for about this serious problem that threatens the safety of all societies.

Paragraph on pollution in English

Pollution has become a serious scourge threatening the safety of communities and all living organisms on Earth. Pollution has many causes. We will present some of them here in Paragraph on pollution in English . You will find three paragraphs to choose what suits your ideas.

The first paragraph

Pollution is a condition in which natural components of the environment are damaged or replaced with hazardous chemicals or energy, which can create a state of imbalance in the system and a number of health risks to nature and humans.pollution is the process of introducing various pollutants into the natural environment system, causing disturbance in the ecosystem and harming the natural environment of the environment in general.

The second paragraph

There are many causes of pollution such as: Radioactive contamination, which is one of the most dangerous types of pollutants so that it enters the human body and other living organisms without feeling or even a warning and there is no indication of its presence at the beginning, and this type of pollutants can not be seen and smell.Different types of transport vehicles .It is a machine for internal combustion estimated at millions, which means that it is one of the largest responsible for causing environmental pollution at a high rate of up to 50 percent or more.

The third paragraph

There are many causes of pollution such as:Forests and areas planted with trees and plants are exposed to massive fires that extend for long hours and possibly days to extinguish them, adversely affecting the ecosystem.The occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes of the main causes of environmental pollution, because the occurrence leads to the exestance of large amounts of ash in the atmosphere and this is very dangerous.

Paragraph about pollution 9eme

There is no doubt that pollution can wipe out all life on  the earth. As long as pollution persists in air, water, soil, and food, this can cause the extinction of all living species on the planet.

In the past years, we can see a lot of awareness campaigns that contribute to spreading cultural awareness regarding pollution, and the extent of the impact of climate pollution on Antarctica and the extent of its impact on the melting of ice, which may pose many risks for the near and long future.

Only melting ice can cause many floods, and the levels of rivers and seas will rise, which may lead to the sinking of many coastal cities, the displacement of millions of people and the extermination of billions of living creatures in these areas.

There is also pollution resulting from misuse or factory waste and the extent of the importance of combating this persistent phenomenon, which may cause the death of many living creatures in seas and rivers, and the arrival of pollution to humans through drinking contaminated water or eating foods infected from these areas, which caused many Infections with serious diseases, the most famous of which is cancer, which has become one of the most prevalent diseases in our modern age.

Therefore, any wrong uses, whether in the aquatic environment or the natural environment, must be stopped.



Paragraphe pollution en anglais

Pollution in the 21st century has become one of the dangerous things that we have all witnessed. In the period of the spread of the Corona epidemic, we witnessed a significant change in the decrease in air, rivers and sea pollution, and we witnessed an aesthetic picture that we had never seen in the world, where many seas turned turquoise or blue, and this was not available throughout the last century, and every year in constant pollution. .

As soon as the factories stopped and the pollution resulting from our large use changed many things around us, such as the closure of the ozone hole, a decrease in the percentage of pollution in the world that reached 80%.

I do not know what the world needs to preserve the environment from pollution. I hope that it is up to us, and act before it is too late, and that the matter does not come forced on it, as happened when the Corona epidemic spread, or that a new global catastrophe occurs, and only then we try to move, it may be too late.

I started by myself, preserving the environment in my daily life, correct handling of my waste, and properly disposing of it. I hope that the whole world will do the same and everyone will start with himself first.



Paragraphe En Anglais Pollution

The pollution caused by humanity is constantly increasing and will not become less one day due to the continuous population increase, which needs natural and industrial resources on an ongoing basis.

In addition to the continuous expansion of the population, which leads to the abandonment of green areas and the cutting of trees, until the construction of new residential buildings for them.

Although this is the scientific fact studied, but the guidance and preservation of humanity on the planet helps in reducing pollution significantly, and does not lead to rapid death, and its elimination.

Every day, we find countries working to find practical solutions that help humanity and the environment in avoiding pollution, such as devising ways to get rid of garbage, factory waste, and other pollutants.

All these developments in order to preserve the environment preserve it and protect it at a large rate, with the continuous increase in the population.

What is required to reduce global pollution is that all countries of the world work to provide safe ways and means to eliminate harmful waste, and provide more green areas in order to preserve oxygen and life on the planet.



Paragraphe pollution English 9eme

Pollution is a very important matter and it was found due to the large number of resources that people use, the lack of many healthy and appropriate ways to get rid of them, and the increase in industry and trade.

Every day we witness an increase in global pollution, which affects all living creatures, whether on land, seas and rivers, or in the air.

Every day we witness new factories being established, using a different method to dispose of their industrial waste, without taking into account the importance of preserving the environment and providing appropriate and healthy ways to dispose of these wastes.

Therefore, we must always strive to address and demand to reduce pollution and to go to environmentally friendly ways through which we can preserve and reduce pollution resulting from human consumption.

There must be international laws that are enforced compulsorily for all large projects that emit large and affecting wastes in the environment.


Short paragraph on pollution

In the past few years, the world has witnessed a significant and noticeable improvement in the state of the climate and the positive impact of the global pollution situation, which decreased dramatically once the Corona epidemic spread.

And the whole world has stopped using factories and dumping their waste everywhere, whether in the air, rivers and seas.

Therefore, this scene and the situation that we passed through must be a lesson that we can benefit from and know the importance of preserving the environment and stopping the continuous increase in pollution, which does not decrease, but rather is in continuous inflation due to the population increase and the increase in demand for human daily consumption.

All of this should be done as well as possible.Where strict laws and decisions are imposed through which all mega projects maintain their own garbage in a safe and healthy manner, apply laws on the ground, stop idleness and not implement laws that some consider to be just words on paper, and they have no need for implementation.

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