Essay writing on friendship
Essay writing on friendship

Essay writing on friendship

Essay writing on friendship , contains all the important information about friendship in a very easy and very simple words you will know the concept of friendship and its importance and conditions .All this is here through an essay writing on friendship.

Essay writing on friendship

If you want a beautiful speech or an essay at the same time very simple and easy through which you can identify the meaning of friendship and how to find it ;all  that you will find here in an essay writing on friendship.


Friendship is the highest relationship in existence, and the  honesty it is the most important element in its survival, and friendship is the most important thing that happens to the individual in his life, find a friend loves him and share his joys and sorrows, and the times of adversity and ease his concerns.

God has created man socially by nature, and always needs people who share him the details of life , and the human being, whether man or woman, needs someone who always encourages him  and to listen to him if he wants to speak, and give him strength , this person named a friend.

And friendship has a number of foundations on which and through which we call it a true friendship is; that the friend loves you in every sense of the word does not disclose your secrets, honest with you does not betray you, direct you for good and does not agree with you anything that harms your interest in order to satisfy you,  Do not be angry with you whatever you do, but bear your temper for keeping your friendship, no one is allowed to blame you in his presence, invites you to worship God and always remind you to do good and stay away from everything that is bad.

We have provided you with an essay writing on friendship.You can read more topics about friendship by following the link below:

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