عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم
عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم

عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم

عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم تحتوي على كل الكلمات الرقيقة والشعور النبيل الذي يمكن ان تظهره لمعلمك حتي تشكره على مجهوده معك ومحبته لك وهنا ستجد كل كلمات الشكر والتقدير للمعلم في موضوع بعنوان عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم.

عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم

لا شك ان كل كلمات الشكر والعرفان لا تكفي ان نقدمها لمن تعلمنا منه كل شئ حتي اصبحت لنا حياة جديدة وشخصية جديده بفضله وهو المعلم وهنا ستجد عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم تحتوي على كل ما تبحث عنه.

Our noble teacher. You have all the praise and appreciation,equal the number of rain drops, the colors of the cast, and the fragrance of perfume, for your precious efforts and value, in order to advance the march of our precious school.

It is nice for man to put a goal in his life .. The most beautiful that this goal will yield an ambition equal to your ambition .. So you  deserve all the thanks,  equal the number of colors of the dice, and drops of rain.

To those who gave our school knwoledge and culture, to those who sacrificed their time and effort .. And gained the fruits of fatigue .. To you our dear teacher .. All thanks and appreciation for your valuable efforts.

From you we taught  that the value and meaning of success .. And you taught us how to be devotion and sincerity in work .. And with you we believed nothing is impossible for the sake of creativity and advancement .. So we must honor you with the garlands of flowers.

Dear teacher .. Oh who gave life value .. Oh, who planted excellence a between the walls of our secondary school .. In order to shine in the sky .. So we send you a light of the number of all the stars of the sky.

Expressions of thanks to be ashamed of you .. because you are bigger than them .. You turned the failure to a brilliant, high in the summits ..  thank you for your effort, and we evaluate your work .. You are the people of excellence.

From you we learned ..  the secrets of success  .. And you know that the impossible is achieved in our seconds .. And you taught us that inspiring ideas need to be instilled by the minds of our students .. Thank you for your valuable efforts.

How beautiful living among people who embraced science, and they love life .. And overcome the difficulties of science .. Our dear teacher .. All our appreciation for your hard work.

To my teacher dear .. To whom I bring the most sincere feelings and wonderful feelings within me .. To those who assured us that the teacher is not only to give the lesson, but to raise a generation .

“To my teacher wonderful distinctive .. If raised the voice I know that it suits me and wants my favor .. If she smiled to me I know that the world smiled for you.

I am now proud that you studied me one day .. I am now going out of my school and I raised my head because you are who taught me.

My teacher , I will always keep your image  that I love and I will not forget what you did for me .. so that I have all the love, respect and appreciation for you.

بهذا نكون قد انتهينا من تقديم عبارات شكر بالانجليزي للمعلم ويمكنك قراءة المزيد من العبارات من خلال القسم التالي :

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