انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانكليزية
انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانكليزية

انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانكليزية

انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانكليزية فيه معلومات قيمة عن دولة العراق تفيد كل باحث يريد كتابة انشاء عن دولة العراق التي تتميز بالكثير من الاشياء الهامه مثل تعدد الحضارات في العراق وايضا التعدد الديني والثقافي والمعتقدي في العراق. ايضا العراق تعتبر دولة حباها الله بالثروات الطبيعيه الكثيرة التي جعلت منها مطمعا من الكثير والكثير من الدول علي مر العصور .

انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانكليزية

فمن المؤسف ان تشهد دولة بحضارة العراق وتميزها كل هذا الدمار والخراب الذي حل عليها من اجل الطمع في ثرواتها الطبيعية مثل النفط والغاز الطبيعي. العراق كانت وماتزال من الدول العريقه والتي لها اصول تاريخية متعددة لا ينكرها احد من المؤرخين علي مر العصور.

Iraq is located in the south-west of the continent of Asia in the Middle East on an area of ​​438.317 km², and the northern part of the Arab world, bordered to the north by Turkey, to the east Iran, to the west of Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Syria, and to the south of Kuwait, Its population is about 36.42 million according to the statistics of 2015, and its official currency is the Iraqi dinar issued by the Central Bank of Iraq.

Climate in Iraq is ;Climate of the Mediterranean: the climate in the mountainous region in the north-east of Iraq, characterized by cold winter and mild summer. The steppe climate: a transitional climate between the warm desert climate in the south and the mountainous northern region. Hot desert climate: includes about 70% of the territory of Iraq, and is characterized the warm atmosphere in summer and winter.

The industry in Iraq is one of the traditional industries that have been and are still associated with the petroleum industry. Refining petroleum, fertilizer industry and chemical industries are the main industries in the country. However, after 2003, the restrictions imposed on the state have hindered any diversification in industries, in addition to the effects of international sanctions Since 1990, and because of the security situation that occurred after 2003 prevented any efforts to establish new institutions or other industries.

Besides, Iraq is considered one of the most important economic treasures in the world. It contains large quantities of oil and natural resources, which has contributed to the strengthening of its economy in modern times in an unparalleled manner.

Iraq is a true example of coexistence, tolerance and pluralism. It includes many followers of religions, where Iraqis have been able to build together this homeland, extend bridges of brotherhood and cooperation, making Iraq’s goods overflowing with all those in need.

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