انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانجليزية
انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانجليزية

انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانجليزية

انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانجليزية حيث تشتهر العراق بالعديد من الثروات الطبيعيه الهائلة مثل البترول والغاز الطبيعي وغيرها من الثروات الطبيعية التي جعلت من العراق مطمعا لكل الطامعين في العراق من الدول الاخري مما جلب علي العراق الشقيقه الدمار والخراب والقتل والنهب الذي نراه الان .

انشاء عن العراق باللغة الانجليزية

فقد استغرق الباحثون والمؤرخون سنوات وعقود لكشف ثروات العراق التي لا تنضب .فالعراق وطن ملئ بالحضارات والتعدد الديني والعديد من الثروات البيئيه الطبيعيه التي لا توجد غير في العراق. وسيظل العراق شعبا اصيلا وارضا طيبا مهما توالت عليه العقود من الزمان.

The name of the State of Iraq in Mesopotamia, and the reason for this name may be due to the Greek name of the country of Iraq” Mesopotamia”, the word “Mesopotamia” means “the land where there is more than one river.” In Syriac, Iraq was called “the house of two rivers.” In any case, all the names of this country were related to “Mesopotamia” “And the two rivers are known rivers” Tigris and Euphrates “.

The Arab Republic of Iraq is an Arab-Asian country located in the western part of the continent, overlooking the Arabian Gulf. The State of Iraq borders the State of Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the north, bordered by the State of Turkey, to the west bordered by the States of Syria and Jordan and to the east by the State of Iran.

It is worth mentioning that “Mesopotamia” was not only the present Iraq, but also includes the present country of Iraq as well as eastern and southern Turkey, western Iran and the north-east of the State of Syria, The civilization of Aramaic and the Babylonian civilization have been civilizations of the most important civilizations of the ancient world and contemporary. The civilization of Mesopotamia is considered the “Mother of Civilizations” because it is the separation civilization that transferred man from prehistoric times to civilized civilization. In the Islamic era, Iraq was the center of the Abbasid civilization.

Iraq is a country rich in natural resources, which attracted the attention and ambitions of many countries of colonialism. Its most important resources and natural resources are rich in minerals such as phosphates, mercury, sulfur and iron. It is also considered one of the richest Arab countries in oil, ranked 13th in the world of oil production. It is also rich in agricultural land, and natural gas which ranked thirty-second among the countries of the world for the production of natural gas.

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