Essay on environment
Essay on environment

Essay on environment 18 Models

Essay on environment is one of the semi-monthly essays that students of all educational levels are asked to do.
It was requested by more than one title, such as, an essay on the environment, an essay on pollution, a paragraph on pollution of the seas, a paragraph on the preservation of the environment, an essay on global warming, an essay on plastic pollution. Or the article could be about talking about the benefits of the environment or about World Environment Day.

All of these topics have specific goals, which are to broaden the student’s horizons and make him aware of the impact of the pollution produced around us, so that he becomes aware of his role in society and how he must preserve the environment from pollution, even if through the method of disposing of his simple waste.

Essay on environment

The term environment includes all living organisms on the planet, and their role in the continuation of life, whether this life is in the air, water, above ground, underground. All these objects fall under this term.

This environment was found so that life could continue on it, and so that it would not be exposed to extinction. Therefore, all life forms on the planet must be preserved in order for life to continue on it. As it is known that the planet Earth is the only known planet that has life, and this is due to the living ecosystem on it.

When searching for the concept of the environment and its role in preserving life, we found that it is highly intertwined, and it is impossible to dispense with any kind of living organisms that live on it.

Every life that lives in this environment plays an important role in maintaining the health of the earth, as it maintains the continuation of human life without diseases or nutritional problems. The human being also plays an important role in preserving the environment or the disruption and weakness of the environment.

Life has existed on planet Earth since the beginning of creation, and the only known fact is that man and his expansion in construction and invention and the increase in the dissemination of pollution play an important role in disrupting the ecological system whose role is to preserve and sustain life on planet Earth.

Therefore, it is important to spread environmental awareness. As we can see, many institutions today abandon one of the most important pollution factors, such as coal, fuel, and the use of electricity or clean materials that do not contribute to environmental pollution.

These remarkable changes that many giant factories seemed to change as a result of noticeable pollution in the air, and a definite impact on the ozone layer, which led to changes clearly in the Antarctic and a major climate change that affected the melting and sinking of many areas.

Therefore, the responsibility fell on us, humans, to continue destroying the environment, or reviving and working without affecting the environmental life, in order to maintain the continuity of life on planet Earth.




Dear student, a basic form was submitted for the topic on Essay on environment, In addition to many other models such as, environmental pollution essay, environment pollution paragraph, essay on pollution in english, world environment day essay, environmental pollution essay in english 150 words, essay on one step towards green and clean energy, short paragraph on pollution, short essay about environmental problems, short essay on plastic pollution, short essay on pollution in english, short essay on save environment, short essay on environmental pollution, short essay on nature conservation,write a short paragraph on pollution.

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Environmental pollution essay

There is no doubt that environmental pollution has become a major problem, and therefore there is international cooperation to solve this problem through holding international conferences such as the Group of 20, which discuss the problem and try to develop solutions to it, and enact laws that oblige countries to limit the spread of environmental pollution.

This summit is held at the highest level so that the presidents, prime ministers, and concerned ministers attend it or follow up on the recommendations it came with.

In order to talk about the problem of environmental pollution, we must first know what the environment is, and what it consists of, then we deal with each element of the environment in detail to know what are the causes of its pollution and how to get rid of that pollution, or at least reduce its percentage.

definition of the environment:

By the term environment we mean everything that surrounds us and affects us and we affect it, such as soil, air, water, climate and all the living organisms that live with us on planet Earth, and it is clear that all these elements are closely related to each other, so that if a defect occurs in one of these elements, the rest of the system will be affected The environment is affected by this imbalance, and in the end, human health is affected, and his life is in danger.

environment components:

1- Soil: Soil plays an important role in providing food for both humans and animals.

2- Air: Without air, there is no life on Earth.

3- Water: Water is the origin of life. From water, every living thing was created.

4- Climate: Climate affects all elements of the environment and causes huge changes.

And we will talk in the following about the causes of pollution of each element of the environment and the danger of this to human life.



Environmental pollution essay in english 150 words

Soil contamination

Soil is one of the most important elements of the environment that we must preserve from pollution, because when the soil is polluted, plants will be affected by that, and they may grow slowly or die depending on the degree of pollution, in addition to the fact that plants will have a percentage of polluting materials in the soil, and therefore our food will be Polluted and unhealthy, and instead of food being a source of health for our bodies, food becomes a cause of our disease.

Soil pollution causes

There are many causes of soil pollution, most of which are the result of agricultural or industrial activities carried out by man over the ages, including the following:

1- Use of chemicals and pesticides in agriculture. Excessive use of these pesticides over many years leads to the accumulation of large quantities of harmful and toxic chemicals in the soil.

2- Disposing of chemical waste resulting from industrial activity by burying it in the soil, or by throwing it in water, then this water is used in agriculture, thus chemicals are deposited in the soil, and sometimes these materials have severe damage to our health.

3- The use of polluted water in agriculture and thus the deposition of polluting materials in the soil.

4- Disposing of nuclear waste by burying it in the soil.

5- Acid rain causes soil pollution.

6- Waste resulting from mining, oil and mineral extraction, and the chemical industries that follow that lead to soil pollution.

7- Failure to dispose of household waste, whether solid or liquid, in a correct manner leads to soil pollution.

8- Soil pollution may be the result of natural causes such as the eruption of volcanoes, where the nature and characteristics of the soil change as a result of the lava flow.



Environment pollution paragraph

Damage caused by soil pollution

There is no doubt that soil pollution will affect the lives of all living organisms and threaten them with danger, because the ecosystem is integrated and interconnected, and each element of it affects the other elements.

Therefore, when the soil is affected and becomes unsuitable for agriculture, this will lead to a lack of food and thus famines will occur that lead to the death of many people. Also, soil contamination with chemicals and insecticides leads to the pollution of plants as a result of the accumulation of chemicals in them, and then these chemicals are transmitted to our bodies when we eat this contaminated food, which affects the work of all body systems, especially the liver, and therefore diseases spread in the most polluted places. Hence, it was necessary to combat pollution in general and combat soil pollution in particular.



Short essay on environmental pollution

How do we protect the soil from pollution

All countries, bodies and organizations must work to preserve the soil because it is the source of our food, and there is a direct impact on our health as a result of soil pollution. Among the factors that reduce the percentage of pollution in the soil are the following:

1- Not to overuse chemicals and pesticides in agriculture.

2- Treating industrial wastewater before dumping it into the water, especially the water that will be used in agriculture.

3- Treating sewage before disposing of it in canals that are used in agriculture.

4- Disposing of nuclear waste in a safe manner that does not affect the soil.

5- Addressing the causes of acid rain in order to avoid its occurrence.

6- Expanding waste recycling because this reduces soil pollution, which is an essential component of the environment.

7- Enact strict laws that obligate countries to preserve the environment in general and soil in particular.



Short paragraph on environmental pollution

Air pollution

Undoubtedly, fresh air is necessary for all living things.Air is a major component of the environment and we cannot live without it. Although the atmospheric air is composed of gases, the imbalance in the presence of these gases in the air leads to death. The air is also different from the soil in that the soil pollution is related to the place where the pollution occurred, but the air pollution cannot be controlled in its spread, and therefore air pollution is one of the most dangerous types of pollutionThe world has gone through several terrifying experiences when a radioactive leak occurred from nuclear reactors, and the result of air pollution with this radiation was that many people died, and people were evacuated for very long distances from the place of nuclear reactors, and its harmful effect lasted for a long time.



Short essay about environmental problems

reasons for air polution

There is no doubt that most of the causes of air pollution are the result of human activity, human progress and expansion in industry and the use of unclean energy sources, which affected the atmosphere and caused some dangerous phenomena such as the ozone hole and global warming.

I will mention some of the causes of air pollution as follows:

1- The rise of air pollution gases as a result of the combustion of fuel used to produce the energy needed to run machines and vehicles of all kinds, such as cars, trains, ships and others, as they depend on the combustion of petroleum and its derivatives to obtain the energy needed to operate the vehicles, but as a result of this ignition harmful gases rise that pollute the air.

2- The rise of chemical fumes and gases resulting from chemical industries.

3- Nuclear radioactive leakage from nuclear reactors, as it pollutes the air and has a wide-ranging effect.

4- Disposing of agricultural waste and residues by burning them, which results in harmful gases that pollute the air.

5- Disposing of household waste by burning it, without taking into account the organic or chemical substances it contains.

6- Air pollution with viruses as a result of not following health instructions, which helps the spread of diseases.

7- As a result of the excessive use of unclean energy in industry, there will be a so-called black hole in the atmosphere, in addition to the global warming phenomenon, which will affect the nature of the globe, in terms of temperatures, droughts, torrents and rains, which will cause climate change and change the usual agricultural places. In addition, the water level in the oceans and seas will rise as a result of melting ice, and this may lead to the sinking of some coastal cities.



Short essay on save environment

How do we solve the problem of air pollution

1- Expanding the use of clean energy instead of petroleum and its derivatives, and countries have already begun to do so, and the gas-powered car and the electric car were produced, but their numbers are still few for cars that run on petroleum derivatives.

2- Use good filters for factories to get rid of the rising gases in a safe way and not pollute the air with them.

3- Follow healthy habits and guidelines issued by the World Health Organization to avoid air pollution with viruses and to avoid the spread of diseases.

4- It is important to spread awareness among citizens of the importance of sorting garbage at home and disposing of it in a sanitary manner.

5- Expanding the recycling process to benefit from agricultural, household and other waste, because this will maintain a clean environment and reduce pollution, in addition to obtaining less expensive products.

6- Ensuring that nuclear reactors are built so that they conform to safety specifications, and there must be continuous maintenance for them.


Short essay on save environment

How do we solve the problem of air pollution

1- Expanding the use of clean energy instead of petroleum and its derivatives, and countries have already begun to do so, and the gas-powered car and the electric car were produced, but their numbers are still few for cars that run on petroleum derivatives.

2- Use good filters for factories to get rid of the rising gases in a safe way and not pollute the air with them.

3- Follow healthy habits and guidelines issued by the World Health Organization to avoid air pollution with viruses and to avoid the spread of diseases.

4- It is important to spread awareness among citizens of the importance of sorting garbage at home and disposing of it in a sanitary manner.

5- Expanding the recycling process to benefit from agricultural, household and other waste, because this will maintain a clean environment and reduce pollution, in addition to obtaining less expensive products.

6- Ensuring that nuclear reactors are built so that they conform to safety specifications, and there must be continuous maintenance for them.



Short paragraph on pollution

Water pollution

Water is a major component of the environment and without it there is no life.The most important characteristic of the planet is the presence of water and the atmosphere, which are the reasons for the existence of life on the planet.

Water enters the composition of the animal and plant cell, as it is necessary for the continuation of the cell’s life, and water is necessary for every cell and every organ to perform its function.

From this it becomes clear that water is the secret of life for all living creatures, and water represents 70% of the Earth’s area and is divided into fresh water and salt water.

It is God’s grace for us to make the proportion of salt water very much more than fresh water, because salt water is less affected by pollutants.In addition, it is an important source of fresh water, through the evaporation of large quantities of sea and ocean water, forming clouds and then falling in the form of rain, and rivers, lakes and groundwater are formed. From the above it becomes clear the importance of preserving water and protecting it from pollution.



Essay on pollution in english

Causes of water pollution

There is no doubt that water pollution resulted from human activities that did not appreciate the importance of water, so they made it the preferred place to dispose of all waste and waste without exception. Below I will mention some of the causes of water pollution:

1- Throwing industrial waste and waste, including the chemicals it contains, into the water.

2- Disposing of agricultural drainage water, including its chemicals, fertilizers and insecticides, by throwing them into the water, in addition to getting rid of dead animals by throwing them into the water.

3- Disposal of sewage in the water.

4- Water pollution as a result of mining or oil extraction operations.

5- Leakage of large quantities of oil while being transported from one country to another by sinking tankers or oil leaking from them for any reason.

6- Disposing of waste from ships and ships at sea.



Short essay on pollution in English

How do we solve the problem of water pollution

The problem of water pollution is a global problem, and therefore all countries must cooperate in solving it. Here are some solutions that help solve the problem of water pollution:

1- Treating factory wastewater before dumping it into waterways.

2- Treating agricultural drainage water before dumping it into canals.

3- Not to throw agricultural residues and dead animals into the canals.

4- Do not throw solid industrial waste into the water.

5- Ensuring the validity of oil tankers before using them to transport petroleum and its derivatives in order to ensure that large quantities do not leak into the water.

6- There must be laws obligating countries to conserve water during peace and war.


Short essay on nature conservation

the climate

Climate is one of the components of the environment, and it affects the environment and is affected by environmental changes as well. Therefore, strange natural phenomena have occurred, such as the black hole in the atmosphere, in addition to the global warming phenomenon that we are beginning to feel its impact on the temperature change, whether in winter or summer, changes have occurred Remarkable from past years.

In addition to the melting of glaciers in the Arctic, which made the sea levels and oceans rise.

All these changes in climate and water levels will affect all organisms, whether terrestrial or marine.

Scientists also expect that bad things will happen if the rate of climate change continues at this rate.

They expect entire coastal cities to disappear, and droughts elsewhere.



World environment day essay

On June 5 of each year, World Environment Day is celebrated, and the first celebration was in 1974 AD, where governments, farmers, manufacturers and traders participate to address urgent environmental issues, and most countries are keen to participate in World Environment Day so that the number of countries that participated in 2021 has reached 150 countries.

It was determined that the celebration of the World Environment Day for the year 2022 AD in Sweden and under the slogan is the best evidence. It is the same slogan of the Stockholm Conference held in 1972, where the United Nations Environment Program was established.

Fifty years after the Stockholm Conference, the slogan will be the same: “We only have one land.”

It is a slogan that expresses the importance of cooperation between all countries of the world in an effort to restore the environment and preserve its natural resources, especially after our planet has been subjected to several changes such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, and the spread of pollution.



Essay on one step towards green and clean energy

The discovery of electricity had a great impact on changing our lives. Factories and means of transportation developed, newts and streets were lit, and we used electricity in all devices and equipment.

But to generate this electricity, we relied to a large extent on burning fossil fuels, whether coal or petroleum and its derivatives.

As a result of burning fossil fuels, the environment has been polluted to a large extent, which made us think of other sources of energy generation, so that it would have less or no impact on the environment at all.

Among these natural resources are the use of wind energy, waterfalls, the sun and tidal energy.

All of these sources are natural and have no harmful effects on the environment, and countries have recently started to turn to them.



Short essay on plastic pollution

Plastic pollution has become a global phenomenon, since the discovery of petroleum and several modern industries that depend on petroleum derivatives and some chemical compounds.

Plastic was one of these industries, which spread widely, as there were many types of plastic and its uses varied, and it became part of most other industries, and its use spread in all countries of the world due to the availability of its raw materials, ease of manufacture and low cost.

But over the years, plastic waste has accumulated, which has become a danger to the environment as it does not decompose, and therefore there are calls not to replace plastic with other materials that dissolve automatically, and do not cause environmental pollution.



Write a short paragraph on pollution

There is no doubt that the types of pollution are many, including pollutants to soil, water or air, but there are audio and visual pollutants that are no less important than environmental pollutants, because they have a direct impact on changing our behavior. In the era in which we live, there is a lot of noise, which affects our mental health, becoming more tense and more anxious. The percentage of songs that use loud music and obscene words has increased, which spoils the public taste, and children and young people’s speaking style has become inappropriate. Also, films that present violence, murder and hate are considered the most shown on television or cinema, and this has led to the spread of crime in society. This is one of the types of societal pollution that must be combated.




Short essay on world environment day

Due to the importance of the environment, June 5 of each year has been designated to celebrate World Environment Day to discuss urgent environmental issues, and to agree on solutions to these issues, and most countries of the world participate in that celebration due to its importance.

World Environment Day is considered a global platform to shed light on the most important environmental issues and how to treat them, where the responsibility lies with governments and society, so that they enact laws that preserve the environment and this is the role of governments, while society is the enforcer of these laws.

This will only happen by spreading awareness in societies through conferences, seminars, social media, etc., and the slogan for this year 2022 AD will be a catalyst for all, as this year’s slogan is “We only have one land” . This means that if we pollute our planet, where will we live?



Write a short essay about global warming

Scientists have discovered that there is a direct relationship between the average surface temperature of the Earth and the amount of carbon dioxide and some other gasses in the atmosphere.

This is called a greenhouse gas because it contributes to the heating of the Earth’s surface atmosphere.

This phenomenon was called “global warming“.

It was noted that the global average surface temperature increased by 0.6 degrees Celsius during the twentieth century.

Scientists also expect this amount to increase to 1.4-5.8 degrees Celsius from 1990 to 2100. It is expected that the increase in these temperatures will lead to a rise in the water level in the seas and a change in the amount of precipitation, and thus a major change will occur in the environment.

Therefore, there are many recommendations to reduce dependence on petroleum and its derivatives as sources of energy and to use clean natural sources such as wind, sun and waterfalls, in order to reduce the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and thus reduce the risk of global warming.


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