موضوع عن الطقس بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الطقس بالانجليزي نتعرف من خلاله على العديد من المعلومات حول الطقس , حيث سنتعرف على معني كلمة طقس وسنتعرف ايضا على اهم العناصر التي تشكل وتتحكم في حالة الطقس والادوات المستخدمة في قياس الطقس.  كل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في موضوع عن الطقس بالانجليزي.

موضوع عن الطقس بالانجليزي

الطقس هو كلمة تطلق على حالة الجو ومن خلالها نتعرف على اهم الاحوال الجوية التي نمر بها في كل يوم. وهنا سنتعرف على اهم المعلومات عن الطقس من خلال موضوع عن الطقس بالانجليزي.

Weather Definition  

The term weather is used to express atmospheric conditions affecting the Earth, including wind, rain, and temperature.

It is usually used to describe the weather in a particular area over a specified period of time. It is expressed in many terms, such as good or bad, Hot, cold, dry, warm, or even windy, and so on.

Weather elements

The weather consists of several elements that are the source of control in its state, which can be summarized as follows:

Heat: Heat is a relative measure of how hot or cold the atmosphere is. It is measured using a thermometer. Temperature is usually referred to as Fahrenheit or Celsius.

Atmospheric pressure: Air pressure reflects the weight of an air column located on a given geographical area, Highlands are characterized by low atmospheric pressure.

Weather pressure affects the weather through variations in it. High atmospheric pressure zones are usually characterized by cold weather and clear skies, while low atmospheric pressure areas are characterized by warm weather, storms and rain.

Clouds: Clouds vary in the atmosphere and vary in their impact on the weather if it is rainy and snowy weather, including mild weather, in all cases it cover the earth’s surface to keep it warm.

Wind: Wind reflects the movement of air in the atmosphere, and is affected by the movement of both heat and atmospheric pressure, So that the wind tends to move from high-pressure, cold-weather areas towards low-pressure areas of warm weather.  

Humidity: Moisture is formed as a result of the accumulation of water vapor in the air, The water vapor is characterized by clouds, rain, and snow.

The warm air is able to saturate the water vapor more than the cold air, so the water vapor atoms are saturated with a certain level and then these atoms fall in the form of rain.

Weather Tools

Some tools are used primarily to determine the weather, including: 

Thermometer: The thermometer is used to determine the upper and lower temperatures within 24 hours.  

Parameter:  is used to measure atmospheric pressure.  

Anemometer: Anemometer is used to measure wind intensity.  

Air Humidity Meter: Used to measure the humidity in the air.

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