موضوع عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي
موضوع عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي

موضوع عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي

موضوع عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي يفيد كل من يبحث عن معلومات عن اسطنبول من حيث المكان والمساحه, فكل من يريد التعرف اكثر علي اسطنبول وعاداتها وتقاليدها سيجد معلومات مفيده عن مدينة اسطنبول , فمدينة اسطنبول هي من اجمل المدن التي يمكن زيارتها والتمتع بروعة التراث في اسطنبول.

موضوع عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي

موشوع عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي نقدمة لكل الطلاب والباحثون الذين يرغبون فى كتابة معلومات او مقال عن اسطنبول بالانجليزي:

Istanbul is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

Half of Istanbul is located on the continent of Europe and half is in Asia.

Istanbul was once called Constantinople.

It was the capital of civilization of three different empires.

The Byzantine Empire ,The Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire.

Istanbul is the largest and most important city in Turkey.

Istanbul is the second largest city in the world in terms of population.

Istanbul is the tourist, economic and cultural center of Turkey.

It has one of the most crowded ports in the world.

The Bosphorus bridge connects the European section and Asian section of Istanbul.

The European section of Istanbul is called Thrace and the Asian section is called Anatolia .

Istanbul is one of the most beautiful tourist cities in the world.

The climate in Istanbul is diverse.

The summer is hot and the temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius.

It is very cold in winter and is characterized by heavy rains and ice covers most of Istanbul.

Turkey has many religions, but Islam is the most widespread religion followed by Christianity and Judaism.

The official language in Istanbul is Turkish in addition to the adoption of some other languages ​​such as English and Arabic.

Istanbul is famous for its historical monuments, most famous of which is the Hagia Sophia, a beautiful architectural monument in Istanbul.

It was a Christian cathedral, but after the Islamic conquest it became a mosque and is now a historical museum. The most famous landmarks are the Bosphorus Bridge, which is located at the Bosphorus Strait, The Bosphorus bridge connects the European section and Asian section of Istanbul.

One of the most famous landmarks is the Palace of the High Gate where the Ottoman Sultan lived when Istanbul was the capital of the Ottoman Caliphate and was built in the reign of Sultan Mohamed El Fateh .

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