موضوع انجليزي عن لندن قصير وسهل
موضوع انجليزي عن لندن قصير وسهل

موضوع انجليزي عن لندن قصير وسهل

موضوع انجليزي عن لندن قصير وسهل يحتوي على كل المعلومات الهامة والمفيدة التي يبحث عنها كل شخص يريد ان يتعرف اكثر على مدينة لندن فهنا ستجد موضوع انجليزي عن لندن قصير وسهل به كل ما يهمك من معلومات عن لندن.

موضوع انجليزي عن لندن قصير وسهل

تعتبر مدينة لندن من اكبر المدن في العالم واجملها كمقصد سياحي يجذب السياح من كافة انحاء العالم وهنا سوف نقدم لكم موضوع انجليزي عن لندن قصير وسهل به كافة المعلومات الهامة التي تبحث عنها عن مدينة لندن.

London is the official and political capital of the United Kingdom, known as Britain or England,  it is located on the banks of the Thames in the south of Britain.

It is classified as one of the largest EU cities with the exception of Turkey and Russia,  as being an important economic, political and cultural center.

Rising from the sea level about sixty-two meters, extended on the banks of the Thames forty kilometers, although it was wider than it is now; because of the establishment of a large number of dams  on it, the London Bridge was the only link linking the two shores throughout the ages , But with the expansion of the city and the construction of bridges and other railways the city became connected with each other more than a means and form.

The city is characterized by a moderate climate. During the summer it is warm and cold in winter, but the temperature is not less than zero, and the coldest month is January, when the temperature reaches 3.9 Celsius, the highest in summer is in July, about 16.3 Celsius, and recorded the highest temperature in the city in 2003, reaching 37.9 degrees.

The population of the city rose considerably between the late 19th and early 20th centuries because of the Industrial Revolution.

It remained the most populous city in the world until 1925, when New York received the title. In 1939, the city had a population of 8,615,245 In mid-2006, the population of Greater London was estimated at 7,512,400.

It is estimated to be 604 square miles, with a population density of 12,331 inhabitants per square mile of its territory.

This rate is 10 times greater than any other region and is ranked 25th for environmental pollution rates and 17 for the size of urban areas of other states , And in terms of the number of billionaires in it ranked fourth, so it is one of the richest and most expensive cities in the world on the standard of living.

London has many landmarks and distinctive areas, which have made it a tourist city is a prestigious and desirable from many tourists in the world, including:

 Big Bein Tower: Known as the Clock Tower; it contains the famous Big International Watch.

 The Tower of London Bridge: The first bridge built in the city above the Thames.

 St. Paul’s Cathedral: It is one of the most important churches in the city.

 Westminster Abbey: houses the tombs of the great kings who ruled the country.

British Parliament Building: Includes House of Lords, House of Commons.

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