موضوع انجليزي عن كوريا
موضوع انجليزي عن كوريا

موضوع انجليزي عن كوريا

موضوع انجليزي عن كوريا نتعلم من خلاله العديد والعديد من المعلومات عن دولة كوريا من حيث الموقع والمساحة وعدد السكان وايضا سنتعرف على اهم المعلومات عن الاقتصاد في كوريا وخاصة السياحة والاماكن السياحية. كل تلك المعلومات ستجدها هنا في موضوع انجليزي عن كوريا .

موضوع انجليزي عن كوريا

تعتبر كوريا من اجمل بلدان العالم حيث انها تجمع بين الاصالة والعراقة والتقاليد الكورية القديمة وبين الحداثة والتكنولوجيا المتطورة. وهنا سنتعرف على العديد من المعلومات عن كوريا من خلال موضوع انجليزي عن كوريا .


Korea is a geographical region located in the eastern part of the continent of Asia, which is divided into two countries namely North Korea and South Koreaز

And shares its borders with China, Russia and Japan, an area of ​​about two hundred thousand square kilometers. It has a population of nearly seventy-six million people.

They speak the Korean language as it is the official language of the country, and here in this article we will talk about some public information about Korea.

Korea’s climate

Korea’s climate is characterized by its multi-seasons, spring with its colorful and beautiful flowers, wind in the form of yellow dust, the fog , the heavy rain, and also the severe temperature.

This is because Korea is an island with spring, autumn, summer and winter with all its advantages. In Korea, there are many rivers, mountains and seas, as well as plains and beaches.

Economy of Korea

Korea’s economy depends on many sectors, including fishing, navigation, the highly developed science and technology sector, tourism and agriculture. The North Korean won and the South Korean Won are the official currency of North Korea and South Korea.

Tourism in Korea

Tourism plays an important and prominent role in the economy of both South and North Korea. Its varied climate throughout the year and its attractive and varied terrain allowed tourists from the same country or from various countries of the world to enjoy their existence and recreation.

In addition to the practice of various tourist activities such as swimming, fishing, climbing, and attending water shows, such as dolphins shows and trips to various museums and see the culture of ancient Korean follow-up dance performances of ancient heritage and old buildings and palaces.

As well as enjoy Korean cuisine, which is a variety of diverse and colorful , which led to the revival of the economy of the country and the operation of many labor. In addition to various tourist industries that keep Korea in mind even after leaving its territory.

Sightseeing in Korea

The tourist areas in Korea, which are enjoyed by young and old people vary , for example:

Seoul World Cup Stadium.

Doll Museum.  

Olympic Stadium.

Nam Day Moon Market.

Doxo Palace.

World of Lot.

Cheung River.  

Gyongbuk Palace.

Chocolate Museum.

City of Lotte World of Games.

Jeju Glass Castle.

Seoul Tower.  

Korean Heritage Village. 

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