موضوع انجليزي عن الفواكه
موضوع انجليزي عن الفواكه

موضوع انجليزي عن الفواكه

موضوع انجليزي عن الفواكه نتعلم منه الكثير والكثير من المعلومات الهامة عن الفواكه واهميتها ومدي الفوائد التي تحتوي عليها والتي تعتبر كلها اساسية لبناء الجسم والحفاظ عليه من الامراض المختلفة. كل ذلك ستجده هنا في موضوع انجليزي عن الفواكه.

موضوع انجليزي عن الفواكه

تحتوي الفواكه على العديد من العناصر الغذائيه اللازمة للجسم والشعر والبشر كما انها تحتوي على مضادات الاكسده التي تقي من العديد من الامراض مثل مرض السرطان. وهنا سنتعرف على فوائد الفواكه حسب الوانها. كل ذلك واكثر ستجد هنا في موضوع انجليزي عن الفواكه.


 Eating fruits brings many benefits to the body because of the necessary elements and nutritional value, it is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and a lot of minerals.

 A study found that people who eat fruits  daily  increase their immunity  and lack of chances of infection with many diseases.

One of the characteristics of fruits is that they contain a few calories, This means they are useful in slimming and weight loss programs and reduce body fat percentage.They also contain a high amount of fiber that treats constipation and indigestion.

Other essential nutrients include: Potassium, which prevents blood pressure, reduces the chances of kidney stones. As for vitamin C, most fruits contain a high percentage of it, it is important in the prevention of influenza, and in the construction and repair of damaged body tissues, and has an important role in facilitating the absorption of iron from food, and thus protects against anemia.

Some types of fruit also contain folic acid, which prevents birth defects, protects the fetus, and builds red blood cells. The fruits contain many antioxidants of high importance to the body and can be listed as available in each color of fruit.

Fruit benefits according to color

 Red fruits

The importance of red fruits stems from the fact that they contain a high percentage of antioxidants, as they contain a component of Lycopene which has a very high ability to resist cancer.

It also contains a compound (resveratrol) which prevents the growth and spread of cancer cells. Examples of these fruits: tomatoes, kakas, berries, watermelon, strawberries.

Blue and violet fruits

 These types of fruits are not very widespread but have many benefits. They contain anthocyanins, an antioxidant that protects against cancer. Examples of these fruits include plums, figs, black and blue grapes.

Orange and yellow fruits

 These fruits contain an antioxidant (beta carotene) that protects the eye from diseases and protects the body from cancer. Examples of these fruits include: orange, lemon, melon, apricot, yellow apple, cornflakes, mangoes and bananas.

Green fruits

 Green fruits contain polyphenols resistant to cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis. They also play a role in the prevention of neurological diseases. Examples of this type of fruit include kiwi, green grapes, green apples, avocado.

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