مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف الحادي عشر 5 نمازج مختلفة جديدة
مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف الحادي عشر 5 نمازج مختلفة جديدة

مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف الحادي عشر

مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف الحادي عشر، يعد التعبير فرعا مميزا من فروع اللغة ويرجع هذا التميز لأن التعبير هو الفرع الذى يستطيع من خلاله الشخص أن يعبر عما بداخلة من أوجاع وأفراح وطموحات، ولهذا فإن من يتعاملون مع اللغة يعشقون الكتابة لأنها تفرغ الروح وتريح النفس من أعباءها لينزل هذا العبء في صورة حروف وكلمات علي الورق.

مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف الحادي عشر

مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف الحادي عشر، في موضوعنا المميز لهذا اليوم سوف نستعرض معكم نماذج مختلفة لمواضيع تعبير انجليزي تناسب مقرر الصف الحادي عشر، وسوف نركز في هذه المواضيع علي سهولة الجمل وبساطة التركيب حتي تنال اعجاب القاريء ونكون عند حسن متابعينا.

تعبير انجليزي my family

My family is the most beautiful family,do you know why. Because my family is knit like the walls of the house and between these walls there is so much love and containment for all of us. Come on, my friends I will tell you a wonderful story about my family.

Do you know that a successful happy family has certain qualities, it is a family that cares about all the needs of their members, whatever their age.

At every stage of his life, man faces many obstacles and problems, and the family needs to be supported, especially in the age of adolescence. As we all know that the teenager is moody and does not have much confidence in the self, which makes him vulnerable to hazards such as smoking and drugs, and therefore he must be supported by his family to overcome this stage with minimal losses.

If you ask any successful young man about the reason for his success, he will say .The family that gives the young child affection and security, and then supports him in his adolescence, and encourages him in his youth, is a successful and ideal family.

If you are a young person and want to make a happy family, you must choose a partner that suits you and understands you, because the understanding between the couple is the biggest factor for the success of the marriage and thus the success of the family and the birth of healthy children psychologically.

تعبير انجليزي my hero

Despite the presence of super heroes, others consider them heroes, but I have another hero. My hero who is considered to be my teacher, I have learned everything in this life from him, is my dear grandfather.

After my father and mother died in a car accident,I went to live with my grandfather. At first I was afraid of everything, even my grandfather, because of the sudden death of my parents, but my grandfather gave me all the kindness and affection to make me love him.

I remember when I was young that my grandfather was taking me outside and was buying me sweets and pancakes, and in the winter he made hot soup and helped me in my study.

One day I was very ill . My grandfather took me to the doctor and looked after me all night. He kept giving me medicine until I became well.

My grandfather protected me from the things I feared, and taught me how to be a strong and successful girl in my .studies and work. So I love him and I see him the strongest and the best man in the world.

تعبير انجليزي myself

I am Sally . I was born in 2002. I am 16 years old. I live with my mother and my brothers. My father was died two years ago. I have four brothers and I am the older one.

I have many talents such as, singing, drawing and writing stories ,my mother said that I am drawing very good and my friends like to listen to my songs.

My hobbies are reading, swimming, listening to music, reading stories and poetry. I like computer games but my mum don’t like it.

When I was young I want to be a doctor like my father. He was a surgeon, and he helped a lot of people .So I hope to be great like him.

I have a lot of friends , I like them very much, we spend a good time and go to cinema. My friends are the best thing that happened to me.

I hope I can be a good person in the future and help a lot of people , I hope to see my mother in a good health, and I hope that my brothers be successful. Finally, I hope that my friends  stay with me and live happily.

تعبير انجليزي smoking

Smoking is the burning of a substance and inhalation, in order to recreation it, according to what the smoker believes, of course, and among the most material that is burned and inhaled throughout the world is tobacco.

Smoking two types: voluntary smoking. It is the inhalation process, which is performed by the smoker, where he inhales tobacco or others with all his will in order to entertain himself as he thinks. Non-smoking is the inhalation of a person who does not smoke smoke without his will, as he sits with a person who smokes and makes him inhaled tobacco without involuntarily. This type of smoking is more dangerous than the first type.

smoking leads to the human to enter into psychological disorders, such as tension and anxiety and fatigue and nervousness excess. Lead to heart disease and atherosclerosis. Lead to tuberculosis. Lead to cancer of stomach and esophagus. Lead to lung cancer. Lead to oral cancer. Leads to erectile dysfunction. Smoking makes a person weak. Smoking can lead to isolation from society. Smoking leads to loss of fitness, . Smoking may lead to shortness of breath. And to have a heart attack. And asthma. Smoking leads to the loss of a lot of money without getting any benefit at all.
If you want to quit smoking you must follow the following steps. First, go back to the first cigarette , and look for the cause of smoking. Of course you will find that the reason you smoked the first cigarette was a strong cause at that stage, but it is trivial for you today. Try to develop a simple comparison for yourself before smoking and after .smoking. Of course you will notice that your condition was much better than it is after your addiction to smoking.
Put a comparison between you and someone else who does not smoke. Look closely at the statistics provided by the competent authorities on the diseases caused by smoking as well as the percentage of deaths due to smoking.

تعبير انجليزي writing

Communication is one of the most important things that a person needs in his life, because it is the process that helps him to achieve his results fully, and communication helps to raise the human spiritually and religiously and significantly, and is an important means of acquiring science and knowledge, which is a prerequisite.

Writing is one of the most important ways of communication between people from ancient times to the present times, and the , specialists have found that discovery of writing,is one of the most important human achievements throughout history.

This writing has no importance in space, but it has a great service to man. The following is a brief explanation of the importance of writing for man.

 Without writing, anyone who tries to add something to the march of humanity will start from scratch. There will be no kind of accumulation of science or experience.

Writing is An important way to express the feelings of others buried in an attempt to bring the distance between the sender and the addressee, the word has been magic on the human soul; it is only able to penetrate into the depths, and influence in the human, and perhaps turn his life upside down.

It is one of the ways of creativity, highlighting talents and abilities, especially through what is known as the art of novel, story or poetry. Such arts help to develop the personality of the human being.

A means of venting on internal psychic devices, which need from time to time to come out, and will not find a better way than writing. It has a large and effective role in increasing and increasing human information.

Writing develops the mental abilities of the human being, and may contribute at times to the development of social relations, in addition to being an important means of success in life.

وبهذا القدر نكون قد أنهينا موضوعنا اليوم مواضيع تعبير انجليزي للصف الحادي عشر، وللمزيد من المواضيع المختلفة يتم الضغط علي الرابط التالى:

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نبذة عن ادارة موقع مواضيع باللغة الاتجليزية وجميع الموظفين: نحن فريق واحد هدفنا تقديم افضل واسهل وسائل تعليم اللغة الانجليزية التي يحتاج لها كل طالب ودارس وباحث حتي يصل لهدفة.

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