تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي
تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي

تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي

تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي يحتوي على كل المعلومات الهامة والقيمة عن هواية كرة القدم ومتي نشأت ومن المسؤل عن ادارتها فاذا كنت تبحث عن معلومات عن كرة القدم فستجد هنا موضوع تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي .

تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي

اصبحت كرة القدم هواية عالمية موجوده بكل الدول الاجنبية والعربية واذا كنت تريد معلومات عن هواية كرة القدم لتتعرف اكثر على تلك اللعبة العالمية فستجد هنا موضوع تعبير عن هواية كرة القدم بالانجليزي.

the sport is under the supervision of the International Football Federation (FIFA)t is a very enjoyable sport, as well as a source of income and a pillar of the economy in countries with large, highly skilled teams that win globally and gain a strong competitive advantage.

The football court has two competing teams playing against each other in order to win by scoring as many goals as possible. There are two goals on the court, each team with eleven players, one ball and a large rectangular court, ensures players freedom of movement.

The sport is under the supervision of the International Football Federation (FIFA), which is based in the Swiss city of Zurich, . The game dates back to 1900, and in 1863, in England, until it spread globally in 1900.

FIFA has at least six affiliated continental associations:

The Asian Football Confederation (AFC), the AFC, and the AFC.

African Confederation of African Football Confederation (CAF).

Central American, North American and Caribbean Islands, abbreviated in CONCACAF.

The European Union is represented by UEFA UEFA.

Oceania Football Federation OFC.

South American Football Confederation (CONMEBOL).

FIFA are primarily responsible for organizing international tournaments and competitions between different countries and continents, setting and approving laws governing international competition, These rules and regulations are established by the members of the Federation Council.

The biggest competition organized by the Federation is the competition of the World Cup between all countries of the world, which is held every four years.

At least 200 teams are taking part in the finals under the auspices of the continental federations, with each team trying to qualify for a place in the qualifiers and their country to win the World Cup.

The last competition for the World Cup was in 2014 and won the German title, On the land of Brazil.

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