تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير
تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير

تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير

تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير تجد فيه الكثير من المعلومات عن مدينة القسنطينة الجزائرية والتي تعد من اجمل المدن الجزائرية التي زرتها. ستجد كل المعلومات عنها هنا في تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير.

تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير

 يوجد العديد من الاماكن الجميلة في الوطن العربي والتي تحتوي على العديد من عوامل الجذب السياحية ومن اهمها مدينة القسنطينة الجزائرية والتي ستجد وصف لها هنا في تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير.

City of Constantine

It is considered one of the most beautiful cities that I visited. Constantine or the city of bridges, built in the ancient times from hard limestone rocks which provides it with the beautiful view.

It is known as the city of bridges because it contains eight bridges, some of which still exist to this day, the height of these bridges up to 200 meters, it is worth mentioning that Constantine is the capital of Arab culture, which was launched in the year 2015.

I saw many features and attractions in the city of Constantine such as:

 The tombs of the old age, where they were located in the tops of mountains, are characterized by a very large luxury.

Cave of the Arroyo, which is located next to the Cave of the Bears, and reaches a height of about six meters, and these caves return to prehistoric times.

 Masinisa and the tomb of Kharoub: It is a square tower, located in the south-eastern part of Constantine, about 16 kilometers away.

 Palace of Ahmed Al-Bay: This palace is one of the most important architectural antiques in the city of Constantine, and the idea of ​​building is back to Ahmad Al-Bay, who was influenced by Islamic architecture.

Caesar Baths: Located opposite the railway station on the slope. The 1957 floods destroyed the baths. It attracted families and tourists from all over the world to shower in hot water, in addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery around it, specially at the spring.

Some mosques in Constantine

The Great Mosque: Built on the ruins and ruins of the Roman temple in 1136 AD, it is characterized by Arabic writing beautifully engraved on its walls.

 Al-Baidawi Mosque: It is located in Bab al-Qantara area. It was built after the independence period. 

Constantine doors

 Al Hanashah door.

Al-Qantaram door.

Al-Rawah door.  

Al-Jabiya door.

El Oued door.

Al-Hadeed door.

Serta door.

Bridges of the city of Constantine  

Devil bridge.

Sidi Masied bridge.

Malah Sulaiman bridge.

Sidi Rashed bridge.

Magazen Alghanam bridge.

Waterfalls bridge.

Bab El Qantara bridge.

بهذا نكون قد قدمنا لكم تعبير عن مكان زرته بالانجليزي قصير ويمكنكم قراءة المزيد من خلال الرابط التالي :

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